The word AISLE has appeared in at least 224 clues on different crosswords.

Audience divider
Grocery shopper's path
Plane traveler's choice
Bridal path
Congress divider
Bride's path
Most accessible seating choice
Bride's walkway
Bride's path
Usher's beat
Bride's path
Target route
Division of a supermarket
Bridal path
Theater path
Central walkway in a church
Church walkway
Usher's spot
Theatre walkway
Preferred seating request
Wedding way
Wedding walkway
Market path
Matrimonial path
Supermarket lane
Coronation ceremony path
Seating option on an airplane
Supermarket section
Stadium walkway
Flight path?
Supermarket lane
Train conductor's path
Grocery walkway
Supermarket lane
Usher's beat
Congress divider
Market path
Church divider
Narrow passage
Numbered market section
Window's counterpart
Supermarket lane
Divider of pews
Seating request
Theater area with no seats
Supermarket section
Plane promenade
Airplane pathway
What the beverage cart blocks on an airplane
Walkway on an airplane
Passageway for the bride and groom
Seating request
Theater walkway
Congressional divider
What a bride walks down
Nave walkway
Word in a marriage metaphor
Supermarket section
Cinema path
Bridal pathway
Seat preference, for some
Path for grocery carts
Bridal path
Separation at a wedding?
Usher's place
Emporium walkway
Flight path?
Where a flower girl sprinkles petals at a wedding
Market place
Church walkway
Church feature
Theater walkway
Supermarket corridor
Theater walkway
Where a plane's beverage cart rolls
Supermarket walkway
Supermarket feature
Alternative to window
Theater path
Bridal path
What a bride walks down
Grocery walkway
Lovers' lane?
Flower girl's path
Walkway in an airplane
Wedding walkway
Bridal path
Bride's path
Theater walkway
Chapel passageway for a bride
Supermarket lane
Path for a drinks cart
Theater walkway
Air traveler’s choice
Path to a cashier
Sitter's choice
Airbus walkway
Shopping cart’s path
Passageway that divides a plane
Theatrical divide
Window alternative
Theater path
Theater lane
Place for a beverage cart
Bridal path
Seating request on an airplane
It's often between 23C and 23D
Theater walkway
Supermarket walkway
Row divider
Seating request
What a bride walks down
Theater walkway
Chapel divider
Church divide
Bridal path
Theater walkway
Bride's path
Usher's beat
Political division, metaphorically
Big-box store division
Narrow passage
Snack cart's place, on an airplane
Certain walkway
Seating request
Supermarket path
Freezer ___ (grocery store section)
Sitter's choice
Walking route
Church walkway
Wedding walkway
Ticket specification
Sitter's choice
One of a couple in a 767
Supermarket walkway
Divider of rows
Supermarket lane
Flier's window alternative
Supermarket lane
Usher's beat
Theater walkway
What a bride walks down
Market division
Supermarket lane
What the beverage cart rolls down
Plane promenade
What some politicians reach across, with "the"
Walkway that divides
Grocery store section
Supermarket part
Path to the alter
Airline passenger request
Chapel walkway
Grocery store division
"Cleanup on ___ 5!"
Nave walkway
Airplane's walkway
Bridal path
Much-requested airplane seat
Cinema path
Bridal pathway
Flight path?
Grocery store division
Airplane seating preference
Church feature
Supermarket corridor
Lit path on a train
Supermarket feature
Choice in a cabin
Airplane walkway
Nave divider
Church walkway
Lovers' lane?
Supermarket walkway
Wedding walkway
One of two in a 747
Theater walkway
Supermarket lane
Supermarket walkway
Theater walkway
Grocery store division
Supermarket part
Bridal path
Pathway in Target or Walmart
Airplane seating alternative to window
Stadium walkway
Passageway between seating areas in church
Theater lane
Supermarket section
Walkway for a flight attendant
Walkway that divides
Lane in a grocery store
Bridal path
Bride's "runway"
"Cleanup on ___ five!"
Walkway between shelves
Seating separator
Supermarket walkway
Supermarket section
Bride's path
Bride's path
Usher's beat
Supermarket path
Church walkway