Word: UMPS

The word UMPS has appeared in at least 111 clues on different crosswords.

Some work at home
Home plate officials, for short
Strike callers
Strike callers
Refs' kin
Decides what's fair, among other things
Strike callers
Baseball officials, for short
MLB officials
Diamond workers
Officiates at T-ball
Diamond experts
Diamond officials
Ones making calls, informally
Baseball arbiters, for short
Refs' kin
"Strike!" yellers
Baseball officials
MLB arbiters
World Series sextet, for short
Strike callers
World Series workers
Infield quartet
People working at home
Diamond arbiters
Baseball's "men in blue"
Home squatters?
Strike callers
Refs' kin
Baseball VIPs
Diamond officials
Refs' kin
Diamond officials
Baseball arbiters, for short
MLB's equivalent of referees, for short
Sports officials
Refs' kin
"Steee-rike!" callers, for short
Calls a game
Foul ball callers
Wrigley refs
Diamond pros
Baseball arbiters, for short
Strike callers
Callers of balls and strikes
''Fault'' callers
Baseball officials
Diamond arbiters
Baseball officials
Baseball VIPs
Refs' kin
Baseball officials, for short
Keeps track of a count, maybe
Rules on plays
Refs' kin
Ballpark figures
Foul callers
Strike callers
Ones usually found at home
Strike callers
World Series officials, for short
Strike and ball callers, for short
Officials calling strikes
Diamond officials
Home plate officials, informally
Ballpark officials
World Series workers
They call fair and foul balls, for short
Refs' kin
Ballpark officials, for short
Officials who stand behind home plate, for short
Baseball officials
Baseball arbiters, for short
Rules on fouls
Diamond dusters
Baseball officials, for short
Strike callers
Refs' kin
Ballpark figures?
Diamond officials
Refs' kin
They watch people steal
Officials at Phillies games, briefly
Cricket officials, for short
Softball refs
Diamond officials
MLB diamond officials, briefly
Sports officials
Refs' kin
Diamond experts?
Calls a game
Home plate officials, for short
Rule enforcers in baseball, familiarly
Wrigley refs
Diamond officials, for short
They call 'em as they see 'em
Baseball officials
Four of diamonds, for short?
Tennis officials
Diamond arbiters
Baseball officials
Diamond specialists?
Strike callers
Refs' kin
Baseball refs
Baseball figures wearing masks
Refs' kin
Diamond officials