Word: ULNA

The word ULNA has appeared in at least 292 clues on different crosswords.

Radius partner
Almost handy bone?
Bone from the elbow
Certain forearm bone
Forearm bone
Fifth-longest human bone
Forearm bone
Forelimb bone
Longer of the two forearm bones
Forearm bone
Arm bone
It's next to the radius
Radius neighbor
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Bone near the radius
Radius's companion
Radius neighbor
It parallels a radius
Arm bone
Radius's companion
Elbow-wrist connection
Bone alongside the radius
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Radius neighbor
Forearm bone
A bone
Radius's companion
Wrist-elbow connector
Forelimb bone
Arm bone
Arm bone
Arm bone
Arm bone
Radius's companion
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Bone parallel to the radius
Tommy John surgery bone
Arm bone
Long bone
It parallels the radius
Forelimb bone
Forearm bone
Ginglymus attachment
A human bone
Arm twister?
Bone parallel to the radius
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Radius neighbor
Skeleton component
Elbow-wrist connection
Forearm bone
Radius partner
Humerus neighbor
Radius's partner
Forearm bone
Martial artist's board-breaking bone
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Elbow-to-wrist bone
It runs down the arm
Arm bone
Humerus neighbor
Wrist-to-elbow bone
Arm bone
It's next to the radius
Forearm bone
It's next to the radius
Elbow bone
It reaches to touch one's hand
Humerus neighbor
A bone
Radius neighbor
Humerus neighbor
Arm bone
Bone used in pronation
It parallels the radius
It parallels a radius
Arm bone
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Arm bone
Elbow-to-wrist bone
Elbow-to-wrist bone
Wrist-to-elbow bone
It's next to the radius
Radius's companion
Arm bone
Radius's companion
Elbow bone
It's next to the radius
Arm bone
Radius's companion
Pinky-side arm bone
Forelimb bone
Arm bone
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Humerus neighbor
Forearm bone
Radius partner
Bone parallel to the radius
Forearm bone
It's next to the radius
Arm bone
Radius neighbor
Arm bone
Arm bone
Radius's companion
Longer forearm bone
Radius neighbor
Radius's companion
Arm bone
Something up your sleeve
Wrist-to-elbow bone
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Arm bone
Arm bone
Prismatic bone
Arm part
Radial notch’s location
It parallels the radius
Radius's companion
It’s on the pinkie side
Radius neighbor
It's next to the radius
It's near the humerus
Elbow bone
Pinky-side arm bone
Forearm bone
Radius neighbor
Radius partner
Bone parallel to the radius
Arm bone
Wrist-to-elbow bone
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Radius's companion
Forearm bone
Forearm bone
It's next to the radius
Elbow bone
Arm bone
Humerus attachment
Arm bone next to the humerus
Bone connecting the elbow to the wrist
Humerus neighbor
Radius's companion
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Bone of contention in arm wrestling
Forearm bone
Elbow-to-wrist bone
Radius neighbor
It's usually longer than a radius
Arm bone
Wrist-to-elbow bone
Elbow-wrist connection
Bone near the humerus
Radius' mate (lower arm bone)
It's next to the radius
Forearm bone
Radius's companion
Arm bone parallel to the radius
Arm bone
Forearm bone
It stretches toward the pinkie
It's parallel to a radius
It's next to the radius
Something you have up your sleeve
Arm bone
Skeleton part
Radius's companion
It parallels the radius
Forearm bone
Arm bone
Radius's companion
Arm bone
Elbow-to-wrist bone
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
A bone
Radius's companion
Arm bone
Arm bone parallel to the radius
Wrist-to-elbow bone
Forearm bone
Arm bone
It has coronoid and styloid processes
Radius's companion
It's drilled during Tommy John surgery
Arm bone
It plays a role in arm-twisting
Forelimb bone
It parallels the radius
Forearm bone
Arm bone
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Forearm bone
Radius neighbor
Bone on the pinkie side of the forearm
It's next to the radius
It's next to the radius
A bone
Humerus neighbor
Radius neighbor
Forearm bone
Radius's companion
Forearm bone
It's next to the radius
It's next to the radius
Radius's companion
Radius's companion
Wrist-to-elbow bone
It's next to the radius
Radius's companion
Radius' mate (lower arm bone)
Forearm bone
Forelimb bone
Forearm bone
Wrist-to-elbow bone
Bone below the elbow
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Bone in the lower arm
It's next to the radius
Arm bone
Skeleton part
Radius's companion
Forearm bone
Wrist/elbow connector
Radius's companion
Arm bone
Arm bone
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Radius neighbor
Forearm bone
Radius's partner
Radius's companion
It's next to the radius
Bone near the radius
Bone of the forearm
It runs up the arm
Bone below the elbow
Arm bone
Forearm bone
Arm bone
Radius's companion
Bone parallel to the radius
It's next to the radius
Radius's companion
Ginglymus attachment
Forearm bone
It's next to the radius
Elbow bone
Bone that parallels the radius
Arm part
Radius's companion
Bone in the arm
Arm bone
A bone
Arm bone
Elbow-wrist connection
It's next to the radius
Radius's companion
Forelimb bone
Arm bone
Arm bone parallel to the radius
6-Down bone
Bone whose name is Latin for "elbow"
Arm bone
Forearm bone
It's next to the radius
Forearm bone
Radius's companion
Forearm bone
Elbow-to-wrist bone
Bone near the radius
Radius's companion
Humerus neighbor