Word: TVS

The word TVS has appeared in at least 76 clues on different crosswords.

DVRs plug into them
Wall-mounted items in sports bars
Sports bar screens: Abbr.
Sports bar arrayend
Sets for binge watchers, for short
Best Buy array
Some Best Buy buys
Sharp products
Devices that typically need remote controls
Family room sets, for short
Sports bar screens, for short
Living room fixtures
Sports-bar screens
What couch potatoes watch
Sports bar fixtures
What Roku devices connect to
Sports bar sets
Sets for binge watchers, for short
Den sets
Sports bar array
Family room sets, for short
Screens in sports bars
They're often affixed to living room walls
Boob tubes
Sights in sports bars
Features of some taxis
Sports bar fixtures
Prominent items in sports bars
They might have 32- or 48-inch screens
Idiot boxes, for short
Controversial "babysitters"
Flat-screen devices in family rooms
Best Buy buys
Screens in sports bars, for short
Fixtures at most airport lounges nowadays
Waiting room features
Items sometimes called "boob tubes"
Some modern ones are smart
Sports bar screens, for short
Sports bar screens, for short
Array in a security office
Man cave screens, for short
DVRs connect to them
HD sets in dens
HD sets in dens
Hotel room sets
Sharp offerings
Hotel room staples
People watch them in sports bars
Hotel fixtures, briefly
Panasonic appliances
Sports bar screens, for short
Airport screens
RCA products
Fixtures in entertainment centers
Hotel room fixtures
Hi-def appliances in living rooms: Abbr.
Cable boxes connect to them
Sports bar array
Den fixtures
Sports bar screens, for short
Hotel fixtures, briefly
Hotel fixtures, briefly
Sets in living roomsend
Some Best Buy buys
Family room sets, for short
Security control-room screens
Living room devices that might be "smart"
Fixtures in home theaters: Abbr.
Sports-bar screens
RCA products
Array in an electronics store
Flat screen purchases
Binge-watchers might sit in front of them
Media room fixtures
They're on the backs of some airplane seats