Word: TGIF

The word TGIF has appeared in at least 109 clues on different crosswords.

End-of-workweek cry
Pre-weekend cry
Weary workers' weekly whoop
"Time for two days away from work!": Abbr.
Exclamation from a weary employee
Expression uttered weekly
"What a long week!"
"Bring on the weekend!" letters
Cry after a hectic week
Pre-weekend cry
Pre-weekend shout
Office letters that bring happiness?
Pre-weekend cry
"Eight more hours and I'm outta here!"
"Thank God it's ___!": Homer Simpson
Employee's anticipatory exclamation
End-of-workweek cry
End-of-wk. cry
End-of-the-week cheer
End-of-week cry
"Here comes the weekend!"
Jubilant cry at the end of the workweek: Abbr.
End-of-workweek cry
End-of-wk. cry
"What a long week!" letters
"I'm so done with this week!"
Worker's end-of-week cry
"Here comes the weekend!"
Cry of relief as the weekend approaches: Abbr.
Worker's week-ending shout
Weary worker's week-ending cry
"Hooray for the weekend!": Abbr.
End-of-wk. cry
Weary employee's cry when the workweek is done: Abbr.
End-of-week comment
Relieved cry after a tough week
End-of-wk. cry
Working-for-the-weekend letters
"So ready for the weekend!"
"Bring on the weekend!" letters
Worker's end-of-week cry
"What a long week!"
"What a long week!" letters
Working-for-the-weekend letters
Worker's end-of-week cry
"The weekend's coming!" letters
End-of-the-week expression
Pre-weekend shout
Worker's end-of-week shout
Pre-weekend shout
Relieved end-of-week cry
Thank God its Fri.
Letters for one with weekend plans
Weary worker's sigh
Workweek-ending shout
"Finally, the weekend!": Abbr.
"Whew, the workweek is over!": Abbr.
"The freakin' weekend is here!"
How you may spell ''Relief!''
Weekend warrior's cry
''Tomorrow's Saturday!''
Popular ABC programming block of the '90s
Employee's end-of-week shout
Weekly cry of relief
"That was a long week!": Abbr.
Office initials
Inits. one might hear at the office
Work-weary exclamation
End-of-week shout
Friday exclamation
"This week has gone on long enough!" letters
Pre-weekend shout
End-of-week cry
Title letters chanted in a 2011 Katy Perry hit
Apt anagram of GIFT
Pre-weekend shout
Relieved end-of-week cry
"Weekend, here I come!"
"So glad the week is almost done!"
Work-weary exclamation
"Finally, the work week is over!"
Cry at the end of the workweek: Abbr.
Letters on a happy hour invitation, maybe
End-of-the-week shout
End-of-week exclamation
Pre-weekend outburst
"Let's weekend!"
"The weekend's almost here, yay!"
"The weekend! Finally!"
"What a long week it's been!"
End-of-week exclamation
Work-weary exclamation
End-of-week cry
Freedom cry, for some
Cry after a long week
"Yay! Tomorrow's Saturday!"
Pre-weekend shout
"Here I come, weekend!"
End-of-the-workweek utterance
End-of-week cry
Pre-weekend shout
"Yay, the weekend!"
Thank God its Fri.
"Let the weekend begin!" letters
"I don't have to work tomorrow!"
End-of-week cry
"The weekend's here at last!"
"What a long week this was!"
"Weekend, here I come!"