Word: TEL

The word TEL has appeared in at least 264 clues on different crosswords.

Aviv leader
Rolodex abbr.
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Abbr. to the left of a number
___ Aviv
___ Aviv
Aviv leader
___ Aviv
Bus. card info
____ Aviv
Number in a contact list: Abbr.
Ten-digit personal number: Abbr.
___ Aviv
Business card abbr
— Aviv
Aviv preceder
Monthly bill: Abbr.
Aviv lead-in
___ Aviv
Aviv lead-in
Aviv preceder
Aviv preceder
___ Aviv
Abbr. before a number
Letterhead letters
____ Aviv, Israel
Bus. card abbr.
___ Aviv
— Aviv
___star (1962 hit)
Bus. card abbr.
Aviv preceder
Letterhead abbr.
Addr. book entry
Smartphone no.
____ Aviv, Israel
Business card no.
___ Aviv, Israel
Yellow pgs. info
____ Aviv
___ Aviv
Business card abbr.
___ Aviv
Emergency contact form abbreviation
Business card no.
___ Aviv
Business card abbr.
Prod. that sometimes has a cradle
No. on a business card (letters 1-3)
— Aviv
Business card no.
Address book abbr.
___ Aviv
Aviv leader
— Aviv
Business card abbr.
__ Aviv
— Aviv
___ Aviv
Bus. card abbr.
Lodging-biz suffix
____ Aviv
___ Aviv, Israel
__ Aviv
Aviv preceder
____ Aviv, Israel
Distant (Pref.)
Abbreviation on a business card
__ Aviv
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Address book no.
___ Aviv
Business card No.
Business card no.
— Aviv
___ Aviv
___ Aviv, Israel
Blower, briefly
Business card no.
— Aviv
___ Aviv
Number that lets you call or text someone: Abbr.
Hutter or Mennon follower
____ Aviv
___ Aviv
Abbr. before a ten-digit number
With 33-Down, Netanyahu’s birthplace
___ Aviv (city in Israel)
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Addr. book entry
___ Aviv, Israel
Number on a bus. card
___ Aviv
__ Aviv
Business card abbr.
___ Aviv (Israel city)
Business card no.
Cell no., say
Bus. card info
___ Aviv
Aviv preceder
Address book abbr.
No. in phone directory (abbr)
Yellow pgs. info
Number in a phone book: Abbr.
Address book no.
Address book no.
No. in a directory
Wire: abbr.
Business card no.
____ Aviv, seaport in Israel
No. on a business card
___ Aviv
Rolodex no.
___ Aviv, Israel
Yellow pgs. info
___ Avivian
No. with an area code
___ Aviv
Business card abbr.
___ Aviv
Number in a contact list: Abbr.
___ Aviv
Aviv leader
___ Aviv
Rolodex no.
No. with an area code
It may have an ext.
Aviv leader
Business card abbr.
Phone no.
No. with an area code
Letters often near ''fax''
Business card no.
Aviv leader
____ Aviv
___ Aviv
__ Aviv
Monogram of a British soldier in Arabia
Smartphone no.
___ Aviv, Israel
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Business card no.
Monogram of a British soldier in Arabia
Aviv lead-in
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Aviv preceder
Aviv preceder
__ Aviv (Israeli city)
Inform: ___l
____ Aviv, Israel
Word on the Middle East metropolis list
Aviv preceder
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Distant (Pref.)
____ Aviv, Israel
Bus. card abbr.
___ Aviv (city in Israel)
Address book abbr.
___ Aviv University (Israel's largest college)
___ Aviv
Addr. book entry
___ Aviv
___ Aviv
____ Aviv
Address book abbr.
T as in AT&T
Kind of num.
___ el Amarna, Egypt
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Number on a business card (Abbr.)
Business card abbr.
Business card abbr.
Business card abbr.
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Number that includes an area code: Abbr.
Contacts list letters
Abbr. on a business card
Bus. card number
"Evangelist" attachment
Abbr. next to a phone number
Business card abbr.
Business-card no.
___ Aviv, Israel
Aviv leader
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Business card no.
Hutter or Mennon follower
___ Avivian
No. on a business card
Yellow pgs. info
__ Aviv
Abbr. before a number
Business card abbreviation
____ Aviv
___ Aviv, Israel
Bus. card number
___ Aviv, Israel
___ Aviv
____ Aviv, Israel
___ Aviv
No. with an area code
Rolodex no.
Address book abbr.
It may have an ext.
___ Aviv
No. with an area code
Lead-in to an ext.
___ Aviv
___ Aviv
Abbreviation on a business card
Address book no.
Bus. card abbr.
____ Aviv
10-digit number on a business card: Abbr.
Bus. card abbr.
Bus. card abbr.
___ Aviv
___ Aviv, Israel
___ Aviv
Address book abbr.
___ Aviv
___ Aviv
___ Aviv (city in Israel)
___ Aviv
___ Aviv
No. to call
___ Aviv
Business card number: Abbr.
"Evangelist" attachment
___star (1962 hit)
Address book abbr.
___ Aviv
No. on a business card
Aviv preceder
___ Aviv
___ el Amarna, Egypt
Business card abbr.
Number on a bus. card
Wire: abbr.
____ Aviv, seaport in Israel
No. on a business card
Monogram of a British soldier in Arabia
Distant (Pref.)
Rolodex no.
Rolodex no.
Number in the Yellow Pages: Abbr.
Aviv leader
Inform, notify: ___l
Abbr. before a number
Monthly bill: Abbr.
___ Aviv, Israel
Inform, notify: ___l
Aviv leader
Business card abbr.
___ Aviv, Israel
___star (1962 hit)
Inform, notify: ___l
Number for a landline or cell: Abbr.
___ Aviv
Business card abbr.
Aviv leader
____ Aviv
Number on a bus. card