Word: TARO

The word TARO has appeared in at least 232 clues on different crosswords.

Pacific root
Polynesian tuber
Starchy root
Poi source
Polynesian plant
Root of Polynesia
Poi source
Tropical staple
Starchy luau tuber
Poi root
Tropical root
Poi source
Poi source
Poi source
Poi root
Hawaiian tuber
Bubble tea root (1)
Plant used in making poi
Starchy root
Polynesian paste base
Tropical root
Tropical tuber
Tahitian crop
Poi source
Poi plant
Tropical tuber
Root for a luau
Poi source
Tropical staple
Poi base
Potato of the tropics
Maui tuber
Tropical tuber
Hawaiian staple
Poi tuber
Poi base
Plant of the arum family
Its leaves are used for the Hawaiian dish laulau
Bubble tea flavor
Source of 50-Across
Tropical starch source
Pacific tuber
Hawaiian staple
Tuber in some tropical medicines
Poi base
Starchy root
Dim-sum cake ingredient
Maui tuber
Tropical tuber
Elephant's ear
Root in Hawaiian cookery
Hawaiian staple
Poi tuber
Edible Easter Island root
Starchy root
Maui tuber
Edible root
Consumable root
Tropical edible root
Member of the arum family
Tropical tuber
Poi source
Hawaiian staple
Member of the arum family
Starchy tropical tuber
South Seas root crop
Crop grown in paddies
Hawaiian tuber
Tropical food that is poisonous if eaten raw
Hawaiian tuber
Edible root
Root in Polynesian cuisine
Poi tuber
Poi source
Polynesian root crop
Polynesian tuber
Tropical root
Source of poi
Hawaiian tuber
Poi source
Hawaiian staple
Source of poi
Poi base
Polynesian plant
Source of poi
Poi tuber
Starchy root
Starchy tuber
Tropical edible root
Hawaiian tuber
Poi tuber
Poi root
Tropical tuber
Arum family member
Tropical root vegetable
Polynesian tuber
Poi ingredient
Poi source
Hawaiian tuber
Poi source
Poi tuber
Polynesian tuber
Pacific root vegetable
Hawaiian staple
Starchy root
Edible root
Luau staple
Tuber in some tropical medicines
Hawaiian tuber
Polynesian paste base
Poi plant
Poi source
Samoa's largest export before the blight
Poi root
Hawaiian tuber
Tropical tuber
Poi plant
Poi source
Root in Polynesian cuisine
Edible root
Tropical tuber
Edible root
Starchy root
Polynesian root crop
Tropical root
Hawaiian staple
Poi source
Pacific root
Tropical root
Root vegetable used to make poi
Root used in making poi
Polynesian tuber
Hawaiian staple
Tropical edible root
Starchy root
Polynesian plant
Poi source
Poi essential
Poi ingredient
Poi root
Certain paddy crop
Tropical root vegetable
___ cake (dim sum dish)
Cook Islands export
Starchy root
Root vegetable used to make poi
Tropical root
Poi source
Hawaiian starch source
Polynesian root crop
Plant with corms
Plant used in making poi
Staple starch of the South Seas
Pacific crop
Maui tuber
Hawaiian staple
Poi tuber
Islands staple
___ chips (Hawaiian snack)
Starchy root
Maui tuber
Hawaiian staple
Poi plant
Poi tuber
Starchy root
Maui tuber
Root veggie in Chikuzenni
Edible root
Poi source
Poi ingredient
Ingredient in some purple milk teas
Tropical tuber
Edible root
Tropical root
Poi tuber
Member of the arum family
Poi source
Edible tuberous root
Hawaiian root
Polynesian tuber
Tropical edible root
Tropical root vegetable
Source of poi
Polynesian plant
Poi essential
Food that's 13-Across with one letter changed
Poi tuber
Starchy root
Poi source
Poi source
Poi ingredient
Edible Hawaiian root
Popular boba flavor
Poi tuber
Edible tropical root
Poi source
Polynesian tuber
Poi ingredient
Poi source
Poi tuber
Polynesian tuber
Creamy root in some steamed buns
Starchy root
Edible root
Southeast Asian root
Root veggie in poi
Tuber type
Hawaiian root
Luau staple
Poi source
Root in a Cantonese cake
Pacific root crop
Tropical tuber
Tropical tuber
Tropical staple
Poi source
South Seas edible root
Root vegetable used to make poi
Edible root
Main ingredient in poi
Starchy root
Poi source
Hawaiian staple
Hawaiian crop threatened by the apple snail
Pacific root
Polynesian tuber
Root vegetable in poi and some veggie chips
Starchy root
Polynesian plant
Vegetable in banh khoai mon
Tropical root