The word STEMS has appeared in at least 95 clues on different crosswords.

Plant stalks
Flower holders?
Plant stalks
Flower holders?
Goblet parts
Originates (from)
Holds back
Flower stalks
Flower holders?
Mushroom morsels
Rose parts
Supports for flowers
Rose parts
Pipe parts
Flower supporters
Snifter parts
Slows, as flows
Flower stalks
Skinny parts of wineglasses
Thorny parts of roses
Parts of goblets
Parts of flowers that a florist might trim
Flower holders
Florists' cuttings
Champagne flute parts
Dams up
Things florists cut
Rose parts
Skinny parts of wineglasses
Plant stalks
Thin, green parts of flowers
Edible rhubarb parts
Originates (from)
Snifter parts
Parts of pipes
Derives (from)
Rose parts that are placed inside vases
Goblets' necks
Bloom supports
Flower holders
Wineglass parts
Plant stalks
Plant stalks
Flower stalks
Arises (from)
Pipe parts
Cherry throwaways
Sticks in the mud?
Edible rhubarb parts
Flower stalks
Flower stalks
Parts of goblets
Plant stalks
Flute features
Supporters of botany
Champagne flute parts
Hollow parts of water spinach
Flower holders?
Arises (from)
Apple attachments
Flower parts
Originates (from)
Cherry parts that might be tied with a tongue
Wineglass features
Apple attachments
Apple attachments
Long parts of flowers
Pipe parts
Thin, green parts of a bouquet of roses
Roses' supports
Features of some glasses
Goblets' necks
Parts of goblets
Slenderest parts of Champagne flutes
Pipe parts
Dandelions' supports
Vase inserts
Plant stalks
Leaves' supports
Bloom supports
Trimmed parts of flowers
Cherry holders
Arises (from)
Wineglass parts
Plant stalks
Parts of flutes and flowers
Spoon handles