The word SONIA has appeared in at least 56 clues on different crosswords.

Justice Sotomayor
Supreme Court justice Sotomayor
The duck in "Peter and the Wolf"
Justice Sotomayor
Justice Sotomayor
Justice Sotomayor
Sotomayor of the Court
Supreme Court colleague of Ruth and Neil
Justice Sotomayor
First name on the Supreme Court
Colleague of John, Clarence, Ruth, Stephen, Samuel, Elena, Neil and Brett
Justice Sotomayor
Sotomayor on the Supreme Court
Supreme Court justice Sotomayor
Brazilian actress Braga
Justice Sotomayor
Court appointee before Elena
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
Gandhi of contemporary Indian politics
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor
Justice Sotomayor
Justice Sotomayor of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor
The duck in "Peter and the Wolf"
Justice Sotomayor
Justice Sotomayor
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
Brazilian actress Braga
Sotomayor who replaced David Souter on the US Supreme Court
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
Justice Sotomayor on the Supreme Court
Justice Sotomayor
Makeup mogul Kashuk
Brazilian actress Braga
Artist Gomes
"Mona the Vampire" writer/illustrator Holleyman
Justice Sotomayor
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
Judge Sotomayor or actress Braga
"I've Been a Woman" poet Sanchez
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor
Actress Braga or Justice Sotomayor
Justice Sotomayor
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
Justice Sotomayor
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
First name on the Supreme Court
Justice Sotomayor
First name on the Supreme Court
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
Justice Sotomayor
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor