The word SCENE has appeared in at least 220 clues on different crosswords.

Public ruckus
Messy public to-do
Play part
Play part
Public row
Public tantrum
Film excerpt
Thing shot on a lot
___ of the crime (place where something illegal happened)
Movie snippet
Public to-do
132 Brief film excerpt
Story's setting
Play part
Big public display
Painting subject
Public spat
Play part
___ of the crime
Embarrassing outburst
One might be stolen while a crowd watches
Movie clip
Play section
Area of activity
Act portion
Play division
Section of a movie
Embarrassing public outburst
Good thing to avoid in public
Theater prop
View of a landscape
Section of a film script
Film segment
Play section
Great view
Play segment
Play part
Public outburst
Public display of anger
Brief movie excerpt
Heated argument in public, say
Play excerpt
Unseemly display
Conspicuous thing to make
Play part
Film excerpt
Part of an act in a play
Make a ___ (argue loudly in public)
Stage setting
One of 20 in "Hamlet"
Theater bit
Act part
A co-star might steal one
Screenplay section
Movie trailer snippet
Play section
Where the action unfolds
Part of an act
Public to-do
Burst onto the ___ (appear suddenly)
Drama segment
Play division
It's just part of the act
Act part
Play segment
Unhappy encounter
21-Across division
Film segment
Exhibition of explosive emotion
Loud public argument
Public outburst
Drama setting
Public commotion
Public row
Act division
Part of an act
Act division
Film section
Public display
Public row
Play section
Public outburst
Movie excerpt
Clip in a movie trailer
Nativity ___
Play part
Part of an act
Public tantrum
Embarrassing commotion
Public outburst
Small segment of a play
Director's unit
"CSI" part
Public spat
Embarrassing commotion
Play episode
Public spat
Public display
It's made up of lines
Public disturbance
'Daphne' division
Play part
Return to the ___ of the crime
Where it's happening
Story's setting
Movie sequence
Film section
Something that might be stolen while a crowd watches?
Play division
Segment of a play
Artists paint it
Portion of a play or movie
Act part
Movie trailer snippet
Where the action unfolds
Public temper tantrum
Something to make or steal
Excerpt of a play
Movie clip
Play portion
Play setting
Play division
Play division
Play part
Clip from a movie
Movie segment
Short movie clip
Play section
Act portion
Public to-do
Movie excerpt
Movie excerpt
Great view
Film segment
Crime site
Play section
Heated argument in public, say
Play excerpt
Stage setting
Act part
Play section
Where the action unfolds
Drama segment
Public temper tantrum
Segment of a musical
Public row
Play division
"Don't make a ___" ("Calm down, we're in public")
Play segment
Sphere of activity
Part of an act
"A-a-a-and ___!"
Film excerpt
Screenplay segment
Film segment
21-Across division
Drama setting
Public tantrum
Embarrassing public episode
A deleted one may still be viewable
Act division
Part of a movie trailer
Film section
Public display
Act division
Play section
Part of an act
Movie excerpt
Last word in an improv show
Public outburst
Part of an act
Subculture related to emo
Part of an act, in a Broadway play
Improv class segment
Part of a movie
Burst onto the ___ (emerge suddenly)
Play episode
Part of a play
Play part
"Set the ___, 3000 degrees . . ."
Public temper tantrum
Film section
Play division
Part of a play group?
Heated argument in public, say
Where the action unfolds
Part of an act
Public temper tantrum
Play portion
Part of a play
Clip from a movie
Part of a play
Segment made of lines
Drama class assignment
Script segment