Word: SCAB

The word SCAB has appeared in at least 236 clues on different crosswords.

Part of a healing wound
Striker's replacement
Picket line crosser
Cut's covering
Wound cover
Nature's Band-Aid
Worker during a strike
Union pariah
Temporary cover
Union's bane
Wound's protection
Wound covering
Covering on a healing wound
Striker's foe
Cut covering
Line crosser
Healing sign
Reminder of a recent wound
One who crosses the line?
Union foe
Union pariah
Union pariah
Scrape covering
Wound cover
Picket line crosser, to union members
It forms over a healing scrape
Striker's foe
Picket line crosser
Healing sign
Part of a natural repair process
Sign of healing
Wound cover
Wound remnant
Covering on a healing cut
Picket line flouter
Healing sign
Person who crosses the line
Picket line defier
Picket-line crosser
Sign of healing
Formation over a wound
Evidence of healing
Wound marker
Worker during a walkout
Striker's Benedict Arnold
Wound cover
Natural wound protection
Sign of a healing wound
Sign of healing
Wound covering
Picket-line crosser
Evidence of injury
Wound covering
Sign of healing
Target of picketers' epithets
Sign of healing
Strikebreaking worker
Natural bandage
Union pariah
Hard covering that forms over a knee scrape
Sign of healing
Wound cover
Picket-line crosser
Walkout defier
Union pariah
Reminder of a scraped knee
Wound reminder
Wound reminder
Picket-line crosser
Reminder of a healing wound
Sign of healing
Wound covering
Scrape reminder
Union member's nemesis
Wound reminder
Scrape reminder
Natural bandage
Healing sign
Scrape covering
Picket-line crosser
Healing wound's covering
Scrape reminder
Part of the healing process
One who crosses the line
Union pariah
Wound covering
Union pariah
Cut reminder
Wound cover
Scrape reminder
Scrape reminder
Nature's bandage
Wound covering
Labor foe
Sign of healing
Nature's bandage
Natural bandage
Sign of healing
Wound covering
Cut reminder
Crust on a wound
Wound cover
Wound's covering
Nature's bandage
Sign of a healing wound
Covering on a healing wound
Nature's bandage
Nature's Band-Aid
Wound covering
Wound covering
Sign of healing
Natural bandage
Crust on a wound
Wound covering
Nature's Band-Aid
Union pariah
Part of a healing wound
Sign of healing
Sign of a wound's healing
Cut's covering
3-Down concern
Cut covering
Union's bane
Wound's protection
Covering on a healing wound
Healing sign
Union foe
Worker during a walkout
Union pariah
Union pariah
Wound cover
Scrape covering
Natural cover
Person who works despite a general strike
Line crosser, of a sort
It forms over a healing wound
Wound cover
Scrape remnant
Covering on a healing cut
Sign of healing
Wound up on top?
Picket-line crosser
Striker's substitute
Crusty covering for an injury
Evidence of a recent scrape
Wound cover
Natural bandage
Sign of a healing wound
Picket-line crosser
Natural bandage
Wound covering
Picket line crosser
Scrape covering
Healing sign
Evidence of injury
Sign of healing
Natural bandage
Natural wound protection
Union pariah
Wound cover
Worker during a strike
Covering on a healing wound
Picket-line crosser
Feature of a skinned knee
Union pariah
Person crossing a picket line
Crust on a wound
Wound reminder
Wound reminder
Picket-line crosser
Wound's protection
Sign of healing
Healing indicator
Scrape reminder
Recent scrape's covering
Natural cover for a scraped knee
Healing sign
Wound reminder
Protection for a healing wound
Picket-line crosser
Scrape covering
Healing wound's covering
It may cover a cut
Scrape reminder
Union foe
Union pariah
Wound covering
Union pariah
Sign of healing
Wound cover
Union foe
Cut reminder
Nature's bandage
Labor foe
Nature's bandage
Scrape reminder
Reminder of a scraped knee
It forms over a scrape
Scrape covering
Wound covering
Wound cover
Cut reminder
Healing skin lesion
Cut covering
Unpopular worker
Sign of healing
Nature's bandage
What forms over a scrape
Sign of a healing wound
Nature's bandage
Covering on a healing wound
Nature's Band-Aid
Part of a healing process
Wound covering
Sign of healing
Wound's covering
Nature's Band-Aid
Union pariah
Part of a healing wound
Cut's covering
Cut covering
Healing sign
Worker who defies a union strike
Union's bane
Covering on a healing wound
Evidence of a scraped knee