Word: REFS

The word REFS has appeared in at least 123 clues on different crosswords.

Basketball officials
Officials who call traveling in NBA games, for short
Basketball officials
Some whistle blowers
Whistle blowers
Tennis officials
Bowl workers
Dictionaries, almanacs, etc., in brief
Makes calls
Basketball officials
Soccer officials
Umps' counterparts
NBA officials
Wearers of striped shirts
Game callers
Umps' kin
Touchdown callers
Yellow card displayers
Game officials
Often-heckled officials
Flag throwers, at times
Penalty callers
They sometimes count to 10
Umps' kin
Hockey officials
Sports judges
Whistle blowers?
Sports arbiters
Sports officials
Dict., gaz. and others
Two-legged zebras
Basketball officials
Soccer judges
Court figures
NBA officials, for short
Ring officials
Football officials, for short
Sports officials
Football arbiters
NBA officials
Football umps
Game callers
Ones crying foul?
They keep track of pins
Makes calls
Makes calls
Sports officials
Football officials
Works the game
Field judges
Sports officials, for short
Hoops officials
Court figures
Whistle blowers
Gridiron officials, for short
Basketball officials
Sports officials
Foul rulers
They sometimes count to 10
Sports match officials, for short
Certain Y volunteers
Hockey officials, for short
Flag throwers, at times
Basketball officials
Basketball officials
Flag tossers, informally
Some sports officials, for short
Basketball officials
They sometimes count to 10
Umps' kin
Court arbiters
They sometimes count to 10
Touchdown signalers
Game officials
Football officials, for short
Umps' kin
Officials on a basketball court, for short
Basketball officials
Football officials, for short
Court officials
Sports judges
Whistle blowers?
Hoops officials
Whistle blowers
Court officials
Boxing officials, for short
Officiates a game
They hand out red cards
NFL officials
Soccer judges
Some whistle blowers
Basketball officials
Ring officials
Officiates a game
Wearers of striped jerseys, for short
Sports officials
NBA officials
Football umps
Almanacs and atlases, for short
NBA officials, for short
Game callers
Shot callers
See 58-Across
Makes calls
Sports officials
Football officials
WWE officials
N.B.A. whistle blowers
Ones calling offsides
They whistle while they work
Officiates b-ball
Field judges
Basketball officials
Officials at football games, for short
Sports officials
Basketball officials
Basketball officials
Foul-callers with whistles, for short
NFL officials