Word: PTAS

The word PTAS has appeared in at least 136 clues on different crosswords.

School orgs.
School orgs.
Grade school gps.
Mom-and-pop grps
Elem. school organizations
Sch. orgs.
School orgs.
School fundraising orgs.
Education support gps.
Sch. groups
School support grps.
School orgs.
H.S. support groups
They have mtgs. in schools
HS auxiliaries
School orgs.
Grade-school support orgs.
Some fund-raising grps.
School support orgs.
Some bake sale groups, for short
Sch. support groups
Grade school support grps.
School support orgs.
Grade school support grps.
School support orgs.
Bake sale sponsors: Abbr.
Educational auxiliaries: Abbr.
School support groups (Abbr.)
HS auxiliaries
School support gps.
Some school fundraising groups (Abbr.)
School groups (abbr.)
Bake sale orgs.
Public school support grps.
School support grps.
Grade school gps.
School orgs.
School orgs.
Grade school support orgs.
They have mtgs. in schools
Educational support organizations: Abbr.
Grade school gps.
School-support orgs.
Sch. support groups
Power & Thermal Aware Scheduling in computer science
Gps. moms and dads get involved with
Some book fair organizers, for short
School support orgs.
Some fund-raising grps.
Book fair sponsors
Grade school support grps.
Mom-and-dad orgs.
Grade school gps.
Orgs. running drives for school supplies
Education assns.
School-org. units
Grade school gps.
Groups that get busy in Sept.
School support grps.
Education support grps.
School gps.
Band boosters, perhaps
They have mtgs. in schools
School-supporting orgs.
Grade school gps.
School organizations for safety and interests of children (abbr)
School orgs.
HS auxiliaries
Fund-raising grps.
School organizations for safety and interests of children (abbr)
Sch. groups
School-support orgs.
Mom-and-pop orgs.
School support groups (abbr)
School support groups (Abbr.)
Some car-wash sponsors
School support orgs.
School organizations for safety and interests of children (abbr)
Grade-school support orgs.
School support orgs.
School gps.
Grade school support orgs.
Education support gps.
Mom-and-pop orgs.
School orgs.
Education orgs.
Grade school gps.
School support grps.
Organizations that have meetings in schools (Abbr.)
Certain fund-raising orgs.
Grade school gps.
HS auxiliaries
Groups that get busy in Sept.
Readathon supporters, for short
Public school support orgs.
Groups involved in class actions, for short?
K-12 fund-raising grps.
School support grps.
They have mtgs. in schools
Mom and pop orgs.
School orgs.
Grps. that may hold bake sales
Grps. receiving Our Children magazine
Mom and pop orgs.
School organizations for safety and interests of children (abbr)
School gps.
School orgs.
School organizations for safety and interests of children (abbr)
School orgs.
School orgs.
School gps.
School support groups (abbr)
School grps. without students
Mom-and-pop orgs.?
School orgs.
School orgs.
Fund-raising grps.
Sch. groups
Education assns.
School-org. units
School gps.
Grade school gps.
Grps. involved with Scholastic Book Fairs
School groups for moms and dads: Abbr.
Organizations of parents and teachers
Grps. that provide school support
School fundraising organizations: Abbr.
They have mtgs. in schools
School support grps.
Teacher/parent gps.
Grps. that often sponsor book fairs
School support orgs.
Organizations of parents and teachers
School orgs.
Orgs. organizing bake sales
School support groups