The word PSALM has appeared in at least 169 clues on different crosswords.

Song of worship
Biblical song
'The Lord is my Shepherd' begins the 23rd one
Sunday song
Breviary bit
Sacred hymn
Sacred song
Biblical song
Old Testament song
One of a Biblical 150
Biblical song
Song of David
'De profundis,' e.g
spoiler 19. Hymn
Any of 150 Old Testament passages
"The Lord Is My Shepherd" is one
One starts, "The Lord is my shepherd"
Biblical verse
Sacred poem
Davidic work
Sacred song
Song of praise
Sacred Bible song
One of 150
Biblical poem
Hymn of praise
Biblical hymn
Bible passage
Biblical poem
Song with up to 176 verses
Bible item
Biblical song
Biblical song
Biblical poem
Sunday song
Any of 150 in the Bible
Biblical hymn
Song of King David
Song of praise
Sunday selection
Biblical poem
King David poem
Song of praise
Sacred song
Sacred Bible song
Sacred song or poem
Biblical song
Church song
Song of praise
Church choir selection
Sacred song in the Bible
Sunday school reading
Bible song
Davidic work
Song accompanied by a harp
Biblical hymn
Sunday song
Biblical song
Religious text
One of a Biblical 150
Sacred Bible song
Sacred song
Sacred hymn
Hymn of praise
Biblical song
Scriptural verse
Old Testament hymn
Sacred song
Sunday song
Biblical hymn
The first one begins "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly"
Biblical hymn
The first starts with “Blessed”
Song of David
Old Testament song
Biblical song
One of 150 in the Bible
Biblical hymn
Church song
Holy song
Any of 150 in the Bible
Biblical song
Biblical hymn
Hymn from the Old Testament
Sacred hymn
Church song
Sunday song
Sunday selection
Old Testament song
Sacred song
David's verse
Sunday song
Scriptural poem
King David output
Biblical song
Sacred song
spoiler 19. Hymn
"The Lord is my shepherd ...," for one
One of a biblical 150
Sacred poem
Song of worship
Davidic work
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ...," e.g.
Sacred Bible song
Biblical poem
Hymn of praise
Biblical song
Bible passage
Biblical poem
Sacred song in a book of the Old Testament
Sacred hymn of praise
Biblical song
Biblical poem
Biblical poem
Sunday song
Song in the Bible
One of 150 in the Bible
King David output
Biblical hymn
Sacred song or poem
Sunday selection
Biblical poem
Sacred song
Biblical song
Sacred Bible song
Biblical poem
Bible song
Davidic work
Old Testament song
Sacred hymn
Sunday song
Biblical song
Sacred hymn of praise
Biblical song
Sacred Bible song
Sunday song
Old Testament song
Biblical hymn
Biblical song
Song with a silent start?
Biblical hymn
Holy song
Biblical hymn
Sacred song
Churchly song
Sacred hymn
Sacred hymn
Song featuring up to 176 verses
Any of 150 songs in an Old Testament book
Sacred song or poem
Sunday song
Sunday selection
Sacred song
Biblical song
Sacred song
Church choir selection
David's verse
Sacred hymn
Sunday song
Biblical song
Bible item
Song of worship in the Bible
Biblical poem
Hymn of praise
Bible passage