Word: POND

The word POND has appeared in at least 90 clues on different crosswords.

Duck's habitat
Swimming hole
Thing for golfers to avoid
Small watering hole
Small body of water for fishing
See 58-Down
Koi habitat
Lily pad setting
Spot for a koi or a decoy
Frogs' hangout
Small lake
Duck's home
Body of water
Small fishing spot
Small lake
Frog hangout
Small lake
Place for a dip
Body of water
Tadpole's home
Home for lilies
Small lake
Tadpole's home
Duck's home
Frog hangout
Ice skating spot
Small lake
Swimming site
Duck's home
Duck's home
Koi habitat
Small lake
Body of water
"On Golden ___" (classic Henry Fonda/Katharine Hepburn film)
Small body of water for tadpoles
Water lily habitat
Duck's place
Polliwog home
Koi container
Traditional sight next to many a mill
Place to swim
Small body of water
"On Golden ___" (Oscar-winning Katharine Hepburn film)
Little lake
Small lake
Duck's place
Duck's home
Small lake
Duck's home
Swimming hole
Duck's home
Duck's home
Body of water where koi might swim
[[IMAGE]](Stagnant water)
Body of water where toy boats are sailed
Small lake
"On Golden __"
Body of water
Small lake
Koi habitat
Atlantic, informally
Toy boat spot
Tadpole habitat
Duck's home
Koi habitat
Duck's home
Duck's home
Frog's habitat
Duck's home
Toy boat spot
Duck's home
Small lake
Body of water
Water lily habitat
Duck's place
Water lily habitat
Backyard place for koi
Small lake
Small body of water
Place for ducks and frogs
Toy boat spot
Scummy place, at times
Polliwog's place
Tadpole's home
Duck's home
Swimming hole
Setting for many a Monet painting
Small lake
Swimming site
Turtle's habitat