The word OUNCE has appeared in at least 116 clues on different crosswords.

Scale unit
An ____ of prevention . . .
Small weight
Postal scale unit
Krugerrand's weight
Small weight
Postal measure
Gold quantity
Pound fraction
Not a heavy weight
Unit of weight
Pound part
Proverbial prevention portion
Dispensary quantity
Post office weight unit
Postal scale weight unit
One-sixteenth of a pint
Caviar quantity
Pound fraction
Post-office measure
Fraction of a pound
Cologne unit
Part of a pound
Pound fraction
Two tablespoons
Pound fraction
Unit of measure with the same Latin origin as "inch"
Postal scale unit
Small weight
Small weight unit
Unit of prevention
Prevention measure
Pound portion
Postal scale unit
Gold dealer's unit
Light weight
Liter fraction
Fraction of a pint
Pound part
Postal scale unit
Pound part
1/8 of a cup
Dispensary quantity
16 of these make one pound
1/16 of a pound
Fluid measure
Pound part
Weight unit for a postal scale
Pound division
Pound part
A jigger is bigger than this
Unit in a baby announcement
Pound part
Prevention measure
Beverage unit
Fraction of a pound
Pound fraction
Pound part
Pound part
Part of a pound
Prevention measure?
An ____ of prevention . . .
Small weight
Part of a pound
Small weight
Postal scale unit
Postal scale unit
Weight whose abbreviation ends in a "z," oddly
Unit of weight
Unit of courage?
Prevention amount
Letter measure
Gold unit
Cup fraction
Prevention unit
One-sixteenth of a pint
Pound fraction
Fraction of a pound
Pound part
Pound fraction
One of eight in a cup
Trifling amount
About 591 drops
"There isn't an ___ of truth to that"
Small weight
Prevention measure
Pound portion
Dispensary unit
Pound part
Unit of prevention
Two tablespoons
Eighth of a cup
Sixteenth of a pound
Kitchen scale unit
Fraction of a pound
Fluid measure
Unit of baby formula
Unit in a birth announcement
Pound part
Fraction of a pound
Pound part
Sixteenth of a pound
Fraction of a pound
Someone might order cannabis by this
Pound part
Pound part
Unit on eye cream packaging
Part of a pound
An ____ of prevention . . .
Small weight
Small weight
Gold dealer's unit
Precious metal unit of weight
"An ___ of prevention is worth a pound of cure"