Word: OUI

The word OUI has appeared in at least 240 clues on different crosswords.

Yves' yes
French assent
"Sounds good to moi"
"Yes," in Paris
Parisian agreement
Yes: French
Opposite of "non," in Paris
Arles affirmative
Assent in Arles
Yves's "yes"
Yes, to Yvette
"Yes, Pierre"
52-Down, in French
Word of assent for Pierre or Jacques
Francine's "For sure"
Yes, in Paris
Yes, in Paris
Parisian assent
Gigi's "yes"
Marseille assent
"Bien sûr!"
Consent in Cannes
"Most assuredly, monsieur!"
Tokyo : hai :: Paris : __
Apt rhyme with "Paree" in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
Gigi's "yes"
Affirmative reply to "Parlez-vous français?"
Nice assent?
Yves's yes
"Non" opposite
Magazine once published by Playboy
French affirmative
Paris assent
"Je pense que ___" ("I think so": Fr.)
French "yes"
French assent
“Yes, monsieur”
Parisian "yes"
Nice assent
Sí: Spanish :: ___ : French
French "yes"
Arles assent
Yes, in France
Word of permission in Paris
Arles affirmative
Non's opposite
French "yes"
Positive response in Québec
French affirmative
Fr. affirmative
All-vowel avowal
''Yes, monsieur!''
Yes, to Pierre
8-Down, in French
Le contraire de ''non''
"Yes," in Toulouse
Arles assent
"___, monsieur" ("Yes, sir," in French)
"Yes, mon ami"
Agreed, in France
Okay, in France
Gallic assent
"___, monsieur" ("Yes, sir," in French)
Paris assent
Yes, to Yves
Porn rag that had a different name in France, oddly
Sí, across the Pyrenees
Arles affirmative
French affirmative
Arles agreement
Okay, in France
Paris assent
French "yes"
Avignon affirmative
Agreed, in France
"Yes," in Paris or Québec
Yes: French
“Of course, madame!”
"Absolutely," in Arles
"Sounds good to moi"
Yes, in France
Nice assent
Apt rhyme with "Paree" in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
Affirmative reply to "Parlez-vous français?"
How to say "yes" in Paris
Non's opposite
Arles assent
French "yes"
Agreed, in France
Arles affirmative
Geneva accord?
Nice assent
"Yes," in French
Okay, in France
Porn rag that had a different name in France, oddly
"Yes," in Paris
Yes, in France
Opposite of "non," in France
Parlement vote
Yes: French
French word of agreement
Apt rhyme with "Paree" in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
Yves's "yes"
Yes, to Yves
''Yes, monsieur!''
Yes, in Paris
Porn rag that had a different name in France, oddly
Affirmative answer in Paris
Non opposite
French "yes"
"Yes," in France
Consonantless "yes"
Agreement that sounds like fun?
French "yes"
"Yes," at the French Open
Opposite of ''non''
Cannes confirmation
Magazine once published by Playboy
"That's right," in France
16-Down, in French
"Yes," on the Seine
Nice assent?
"Absolutely," in Arles
"Sí," on the Seine
Word of agreement in Paris
Agreed, in France
Agreed, in France
18-Across, in Cannes
French for "yes"
French word of agreement that's pronounced like "wee"
French assent
Apt rhyme with "Paree" in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
French "yes"
"Yes, monsieur"
Word rhymed with "ami" by Lafayette in "Hamilton"
French "yes"
"Yes," in French
Positive response in Paris
Agreement in Arles
Assent of Paris
Maître d's assent
French for "yes"
All-vowel assent
All-vowel assent
All-vowel assent
All-vowel assent
All-vowel assent
All-vowel assent
"Mais ___!" ("Of course," in French)
Paris agreement
Nice assent
Agreed, in France
French assent
Opposite of "non," in Paris
French for 18-Across
"Absolutely," in Arles
French affirmative
Okay, in France
French for "yes"
Yes, in France
French agreement
Tours acceptance
Yes, to Pierre
French "yes"
"Yes, madame!"
French affirmative
French "yes"
French homophone of "we"
Yes, to a monsieur
Yes, to Yves
Air France confirmation
Paris accord?
Haitian "yes"
Paris accord?
French word of assent
"Yes," in Montreal
"Mais ___!"
French affirmative
Yes, to Miss Piggy
French assent
Assent of Paris
Porn rag that had a different name in France, oddly
French assent
___ by Yoplait (French-style yogurt)
Positive answer from a Parisian
French word that sounds like "we"
"Yes," at the French Open
"Yes," in Marseilles
French yes
"___, madame" ("Yes, ma'am" in Montreal)
Parisian "yes"
French "yes"
"Mais ___!" ("But of course!")
Assent of Paris
"Yes," in French
Yes: French
Yes, in France
French "yes"
French assent
Nice assent
Paris accord?
Arles assent
Okay, in France
French for "yes"
Yes, in French
Poirot's approval
"Yes," at Roland-Garros
"Certainly," by the Seine
"Yes," in Québec
Agreement in Paris or Marseilles
Magazine once published by Playboy
Affirmative reply to "Parlez-vous français?"
Opposite of "non," in French
"Yes," in Paris
Yes, in French
French vote
Yes: French
"Yes," in France
"Yes, monsieur!"
French for "yes"
Non reversal?
French agreement
"Yes," in Montreal