Word: OKRA

The word OKRA has appeared in at least 384 clues on different crosswords.

Slimy pod
Edible pentagonal piece
Gumbo base
"Mr. ___" (New Orleans produce vendor who died in 2018)
Soup pod
Creole veggie
Pod in Creole cuisine
Edible pod
Gumbo ingredient
Creole cuisine staple
Southern veggie
Southern veggie
Vegetable in gumbo
Creole vegetable
Gumbo base
Soup pod
Soup vegetable
Gumbo veggie
Edible pod
Cajun vegetable
Edible pod
Staple in Cajun fare
Stew ingredient
Creole veggie
Gumbo need
Gumbo pods
Soup vegetable
Some pods
Mallow family vegetable
Cajun veggie
Gumbo vegetable
Pod that thickens gumbo
Vegetable pod used to thicken gumbo
Gumbo need
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo ingredient
Gumbo pod
Ingredient in gumbo
Vegetable often found in Cajun cuisine
South side?
Gumbo veggie
Edible pod of the south
Gumbo must
Staple of Creole cooking
Gumbo pod
Gumbo base
Slimy vegetable that comes in a pod
Edible pod
Fried side with a po'boy
Creole veggie
Sticky green pods
Southern-fried fare
Gumbo pod
Gumbo ingredient
Soup pod
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo goody
Soup veggie
Gumbo green
Gumbo pod
Vegetable that's often slimy
Gumbo pod
Pod veggie
Gumbo ingredient
Gumbo ingredient
Cajun vegetable
Gumbo vegetable
Gumbo veggie
Green vegetable often fried in Southern cooking
Gumbo ingredient
Vegetable pod used in gumbo
Vegetable used in Creole and Indian cuisine
Vegetable in Cajun cuisine
Veggie served with catfish
Gumbo thickener
Sticky vegetable in gumbo
Pod in Creole cuisine
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo veggie
Pod in gumbo
Veggie in gumbo
Pickled or deep-fried veggie
Staple of Southern cuisine
Gumbo vegetable
Side with chicken-fried steak
Veggie used in Cajun cuisine
Cajun veggie
Gumbo vegetable
Soup veggie
Gumbo veggie
Vegetable with a slimy texture
Stew vegetable
Southern vegetable used in gumbo
Gumbo ingredient
Veggie favored by ''Southern Living''
Veggie that thickens gumbo
Pod veggie
Gumbo veggie
Soup vegetable
Cajun veggie with pods
Green vegetable used in gumbo
Southern vegetable
Stew vegetable
Gumbo vegetable
Gumbo vegetable
Pod in Cajun cuisine
Gumbo pod
Creole vegetable
Leafy veggie
Southern fried fare
Soup veggie
Soup pod
Soup pod
Gumbo vegetable
Soup pod
Gumbo pod
Sticky vegetable in gumbo
Succotash ingredient, at times
Veggie pod that may be pickled or deep-fried
Veggie in gumbo
Sticky pod
Stew ingredient
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo vegetable
Gumbo must
Vegetable often found in Cajun cuisine
Pod in Creole cuisine
Gumbo must
Vegetable that can get slimy when overcooked
Gumbo vegetable
Creole veggie
Sticky pod used in Cajun cuisine
Veggie pod
Southern vegetable that's often breaded and fried
Gumbo must
Southern veggie
Vegetable that's frequently fried
Gumbo vegetable
Pod that thickens gumbo
New Orleans side dish
Southern vegetable
Podded veggie
Cajun vegetable
Stew pod
Vegetable that's popular in New Orleans
Soup pod
Edible pod in gumbo
Gumbo vegetable
Gumbo ingredient
Cook's pod
Vegetable in Creole cooking
Veggie in gumbo
Gumbo pod
Gumbo veggie
Cajun veggie
Gumbo pod
Gumbo vegetable
Southern superfood
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo vegetable
Veggie in gumbo
Southern fried side
Cajun vegetable with pods
Gumbo thickener
Southern cooking staple
Soup vegetable
Gumbo must
Pod in Cajun cooking
Pod in Cajun cuisine
Often-fried veggie
Creole vegetable
Gumbo veggie
Pod that may be pickled or deep-fried
Vegetable in gumbo
Vegetable side with a po' boy, perhaps
Gumbo ingredient
Stew thickener
Gumbo vegetable
Edible pod
Food also known as ladies' fingers
Green pod in Southern cooking
Cajun mainstay
Vegetable pod in Creole cuisine
Edible pod
Cajun staple
Pod in Southern cooking
Southern vegetable
Gumbo ingredient
Gumbo pod
Vegetable often found in New Orleans cuisine
Gumbo must
Gumbo essential
Edible pod
Vegetable with pods
Cajun soup ingredient
Gumbo ingredient
Edible pod
Green vegetable often fried in Southern cooking
Seafood gumbo vegetable
Gumbo ingredient
Gumbo base
Gumbo vegetable
Pod that thickens gumbo
Gumbo veggie
Creole vegetable
Soup pod
or Kentucky Derby 10. Gumbo base
Green ingredient in gumbo
Pod vegetable used in Cajun cooking and bhindi masala
Gumbo vegetable
Sunset ____" 67. Gumbo veggie
Edible pod
Cajun cooking staple
Fried side
Green pod in Southern cooking
Vegetable that thickens Cajun stews
Soup pod
Pod in gumbo recipes
Cajun food staple
Southern veggie that may be deep-fried
Southern veggie
Southern veggie
Gumbo base
Soup pod
Gumbo veggie
Green pod in Creole cuisine
Green pod in Brunswick stew
Gumbo veggie
Stew vegetable
Vegetable that's can be slimy
Vegetable pod that thickens gumbo
Easily bruised Cajun veggie
Vegetable pod in Creole cuisine
Gumbo ingredient
Cajun veggie
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo veggie
Vegetable pod that may be fried or pickled
Vegetable in Creole cuisine
Veggie in gumbo
Gumbo must
Gumbo ingredient
Vegetable pod that can be fried or pickled
Gumbo stuff
Gumbo staple
Edible pod
Green pod in Southern cooking
Vegetable in gumbo
Fried ___ (Southern side dish made with pods)
Gumbo pod
Gumbo ingredient
Soup pod
Soup veggie
Gumbo pod
Cajun staple
Deep-fried Southern vegetable
Pod veggie
Vegetable also called ladies' fingers
Gumbo ingredient
Southern soup ingredient
Breaded and fried pod vegetable that's a side dish at Cracker Barrel
Pod in some soups
West African food staple
Slimy vegetable
Gumbo vegetable
Podded plant
Vegetable popular in the American South
Cajun mainstay
Cajun vegetable
Gooey vegetable
Vegetable pod in Creole cuisine
Southern fried vegetable
Pod veggie
Gumbo veggie
Slimy vegetable that comes in a pod
Vegetable pod that thickens gumbo
Gumbo vegetable
Soup veggie
Pod in gumbo
Pod used in gumbo
Bhindi masala vegetable
Slimy vegetable that comes in a pod
Pod veggie
Vegetable used to thicken stews
Vegetable that Cracker Barrel serves breaded and fried
Soup vegetable
Creole vegetable
Vegetable also called "ladies' fingers"
Southern cooking staple
Vegetable pod that thickens stews
Southern vegetable
Vegetable in gumbo
Gumbo vegetable
Vegetable in bhindi masala
Gumbo pod
Amala de Xango vegetable
Vegetable that's often fried
Leafy veggie
Soup veggie
Vegetable that thickens gumbo
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo ingredient
Gumbo must
Gumbo must
Vegetable used in much Southern cooking
Gumbo vegetable
Vegetable that becomes gooey when cooked
Veggie pod
Gooey ingredient in gumbo
Pods paired well with natto
Gumbo must
Southern vegetable
Stew pod
Soup pod
Gumbo pod
Gumbo veggie
Cajun veggie
Gumbo pod
Pod vegetable used in Cajun and Creole cuisine
Gumbo vegetable
Gumbo veggie
Vegetable with pentagonal cross sections
Slimy vegetable used in Southern cuisine
Vegetable pod in Cajun cuisine
Soup vegetable
Vegetable pod that may be fried or pickled
Traditional gumbo vegetable
Gumbo must
Gumbo veggie
Gumbo vegetable
Bamia vegetable
Gumbo ingredient
Fried vegetable on Cracker Barrel menus
Gumbo vegetable
Edible pod
Its pods go into gumbo
Gumbo ingredient
Edible pod
Southern vegetable
Pod used to thicken Cajun dishes
Gumbo must
Slimy vegetable
Vegetable used in gumbo
Edible pod
Gumbo ingredient
Edible pod
Vegetable pod in Creole cuisine
Cajun veggie
Gumbo base
or Kentucky Derby 10. Gumbo base
Pod that may be pickled or deep-fried
Soup vegetable
Sunset ____" 67. Gumbo veggie
Often-pickled pods
Vegetable pod in Cajun cuisine
Garden plant in the mallow family
Edible pod
Gumbo vegetable
Vegetable that thickens gumbo
Gumbo vegetable
Gumbo ingredient
Soup pod
Vegetable in Creole cuisine
Natural stew thickener
Southern veggie
Gumbo vegetable
Southern vegetable served pickled or fried
Southern veggie
Gumbo vegetable
Gumbo base
Soup pod
Pod veggie in caruru
Vegetable pod in Cajun cuisine
Gumbo must
Gumbo-thickening vegetable