Word: OFT

The word OFT has appeared in at least 185 clues on different crosswords.

Poet's adverb
A lot of old poems
Frequently, in poems
Many a time
Frequently, in verse
O'er and o'er
Put down
Thomas Moore poem "___ in the Stilly Night"
Frequently, to a poet
Many a time
Literary adverb
Many a time
Not seld
Frequently, in verse
Many times, to a poet
Frequently, to a bard
Frequently, to a bard
Many a time
Frequently, in poems
Frequently, to a poet
Many a time
Many times, in poems
Many a time
Frequently, in verse
Many times, in poems
Shakespearean "frequently"
Many times
"The good is __ interred with their bones": "Julius Caesar"
Many a time
Frequently, to Byron
Many times, in verse
Many times
Frequently, to Keats
More than occasionally, to a bard
A lot of times, to poets
Frequently, in verse
Frequently, in verse
What's frequently found in poetry?
Frequently, to a bard
Many a time
Frequently, in poetry
Many a time, in verse
Regularly, to a poet
Many a time
A lot
Many times, to Keats
Regularly, in verse
Many times, in verse
Recurrently, to Donne
Many times o'er
Frequently, in poems
Not seld
Many times, to bards
Poetic adverb
Frequently, to Keats
Many a time
Frequently, to a bard
O'er and o'er
Frequently, in poetry
Many a time
Many a time
Many a time
Frequently, in verse
Many a time
Frequently, to Keats
Many times, to Keats
Poet's adverb
Frequently, in poems
Not seld
Frequently, in poems
Many a time
Frequently, for short
Frequently, to a bard
Time and again, to a bard
Frequently found in poetry?
Frequently, in poems
Many a time
Many times, poetically
Frequently, to Keats
Frequently, to a bard
Many times, in poetry
Regularly, in verse
Frequently, in verse
Frequently, in verse
Frequently, to Keats
Many times o'er
Many times, to a poet
Frequently, in poems
Poetic adverb
Frequently, poetically
Many a time
Regularly, in poems
Many times, in poems
O'er and o'er again
Many times, poetically
Frequently, poetically
Frequently, to a poet
Bard's "frequently"
Frequently, in verse
Frequently, to Keats
Time and again, to Yeats
Frequently, in poems
Frequently, to a poet
Poet's ''frequently''
Frequently, for short
''__ I had heard of Lucy Gray . . .'': Wordsworth
Not seld
Literary adverb
Many a time, to poets
Frequently, to a bard
Frequently, to a poet
Many times, in poems
Many times, in poems
Many times
Frequently, to Byron
Many times, in verse
Frequently, to Keats
Many times, in poems
Habitually, poetically
Regularly, to a poet
Many times o'er
O'er and o'er
Poetic adverb
Many a time, in verse
''Who has deceiv'd thee as __ as thy self'': Franklin
Many times, to Keats
Regularly, in verse
Many times, in verse
O'er and o'er
Frequently, in poems
'Many times' in poetry
Many times, in poetry
Not seld
Many times, to bards
Frequently, quaintly
Frequently, to Keats
Frequently, to a bard
What's frequently used by poets?
Many a time
Many times, to Keats
Frequently, in poems
Frequently, in poetry
Not seld
Frequently, in poems
Repeatedly, to a bard
Not seldom, poetically
Many a time
Frequently, to a bard
Frequently, for short
Repeatedly, to a bard
Many a time
Many times, poetically
Frequently, to Keats
Regularly, in verse
Many a time, poetically
Frequently, in poetry
Frequently, poetically
Frequently, to Keats
Many times, to a poet
Regularly, in poems
Many times, in poems
Many times, poetically
Frequently, to a poet
Frequently, in verse
Repeatedly, to a bard
Frequently, to Keats
Frequently, in poems
O'er and o'er
Frequently, to a poet
Many times