The word NOTES has appeared in at least 99 clues on different crosswords.

Students take them when professors are lecturing
Do, re, and mi, for example
Short messages
Scale markings
Office memos
Lecturer's aid
Score symbols
Lecture attendee's jottings
What students pass
Studying aid
Symbols on a music staff
Mozart wrote a lot of them
Staff symbols
Do, re, mi, etc.
Students' jottings
Chord components
Post-it messages
Musical markings
Brief, handwritten letters
Lecturer's aid
Staff symbols
Student's scribblings
Musical scale
Musical symbols
Music symbols
What students take at lectures
A, B and C, but not X, Y and Z
...ker] Grounds for detention
They may be passed in school
Score units
Things students take
So and so?
Staff members?
[[IMAGE]](Musical symbols)
[[IMAGE]](Musical symbols)
Brief records of facts
Speaker's aid
Reference material
Study aids
Lindy West's "Shrill: ___ from a Loud Woman"
Short memos
[[IMAGE]](Musical symbols)
Written reminders
Short letters
Brief letters
Music symbols
Reviewers' jottings
Brief records of facts
Students take them when a teacher gives a lecture
[[IMAGE]](Musical symbols)
Reference material
Short memos
Score in a score
Brief letters
Students' jottings
Brief memos
Class jottings
Quick letters
Parts of a musical scale
Do, re, mi, etc.
Markings that may be made in margins
Post-it messages
Short written messages
Brief records of facts
Music symbols
Lecture jottings
Reference material
Wine's aromas and flavors, say
[[IMAGE]](Musical symbols)
Things taken in class
Writes down
Bits of a melody
Do, re, mi, etc.
They're taken by students
Written reminders
What students may take to stay awake?
E and G, e.g.
Short letters
Brief letters
Music symbols
Short messages
Pieces of feedback
[[IMAGE]](Musical symbols)
Written reminders
Messages on Post-its
[[IMAGE]](Musical symbols)
Reference material
Short memos