Word: NOIR

The word NOIR has appeared in at least 122 clues on different crosswords.

Grim film genre
Blanc's opposite
Pinot —
Gritty film genre
'Strangers on a Train' film genre
Film genre
Genre for many Bogart movies
Dark movie genre
Film ___
Pinot ___ (red wine choice)
Pinot —
Modifier for "film" or "pinot"
"The Maltese Falcon" film genre
"Chinatown" genre
"D.O.A." movie genre
Film ____ (grim genre)
Crime film genre
Cynical genre
Crime film genre
Roulette color
Film genre
Black in Paris
"D.O.A." movie genre
Film genre
Roulette color
Film genre with high-contrast cinematography
Some detective fiction, informally
Pinot ___: red wine
Pinot __
Pinot ___
Film ___ (gritty film genre)
Neo-___ (film genre)
Pinot or film follower
Genre with hard-boiled characters
"Double Indemnity" film genre
Like some detective fiction
Film __
Film follower
“Chinatown” genre
Gritty film genre
Pinot ___ (red wine choice)
Black: Fr.
Blanc's opposite
Roulette bet
Pinot ___ (a table wine)
Hardly a rosy picture
Film ___ (genre of hard-boiled crime dramas)
Black, as la nuit
Film genre with high-contrast cinematography
Blanc's opposite
Film genre
Film ___ (gritty film genre)
Film ___
Film genre
Detective film genre
Film follower
Film follower
"The Maltese Falcon" film genre
Monte Carlo roulette bet
Roulette wheel color, in Monte Carlo
Somber film genre
Dark film genre
Black, in Biarritz
"The Big Sleep" film genre
Black (Fr.)
Black, to Balzac
Pinot or film follower
Film ____ (grim genre)
Pinot ___ (type of red wine)
Blanc's opposite
Roulette bet
Raymond Chandler specialty
Film __
Crime movie genre
Pinot ___: red wine
''Dark'' film category
Black: Fr.
Film ___ (1940s movie genre)
Roulette bet
Crime film genre
Film follower
Film genre
Word with "cafe" or "film"
Pinot ___ (red wine choice)
Film ___
Pinot ___
"Nightmare Alley" genre
Dark film genre
"Double Indemnity" film genre
Crime film genre
Roulette bet
Roulette wheel color, in Monte Carlo
Film ___ (gritty genre)
Gritty film genre
Pinot ___ (red wine choice)
Film style with a French name
Pinot ___ (a table wine)
Film ___ (gritty film genre)
Film genre
Word after "film" or "Drakkar"
Pinot ___ (red wine)
Word with "cafe" or "film"
Black, as la nuit
Dark film genre
Detective film genre
Counterpart of rouge, in roulette
Film ___ (dark movie genre)
Roulette bet
Film genre
Film ___ (gritty crime genre)
Roulette bet
"The Maltese Falcon" film genre
Film ___ (movie genre)
"Dark" film genre
Film genre with high-contrast cinematography
Pinot ___ (red wine choice)
Pinot ___ (type of red wine)
Roulette color
Film genre
Dark film genre