Word: LODE

The word LODE has appeared in at least 195 clues on different crosswords.

Mine vein
Rich ore source
Rich source of minerals
Rich store
Mine vein
Ore source
Valued deposit
Rich vein
Valuable vein
Rich deposit
Vein of ore
Pay dirt
Rich deposit
Miner's bonanza
Rich source
Prospecting find
Vein of ore
Mine deposit
Rich deposit
Ore vein
Rich source of minerals
Quarry find
Vein of ore
Mining bonanza
Abundant source
Lucky strike
Mine find
Metal-bearing vein
Hit the mother ___ (strike it rich)
Vein of 7 Down
Mining find
Mother follower
Comstock find
Rich deposit
Prospector's find
Pay dirt
Mine bonanza
Mother ___ (principal site of an ore deposit)
Rich mineral vein
Place to withdraw a deposit
Ore galore
Source of 51-Across
Metallic vein
Vein of 2-Down
Rich supply of ore
Vein of minerals
Sourdough's dream
Valuable vein
Miner's bonanza
Miner's quest
Likely spot for a mine
Rich supply
Ore source
Rich source
Vein rich with ore deposits
Prospector's bonanza
Mine vein
Rich mineral source
Mother ____
Miner's quest
Valuable deposit
Rich vein
Ore vein
Mine bonanza
Prospector's bonanza
Rich deposit
Rich vein of ore
Ore vein
Main vein
Prospector's bonanza
Prospector's bonanza
Prospector's bonanza
Valuable vein
Ore source
Mineral deposit
Ore deposit
Mining bonanza
21-Across bonanza
Miner's big find
Vein of ore
Vein of metal
Valuable deposit
Vein of 2-Down
Rich source
Ore vein
Mine vein
Vein of ore
Rich mineral vein
Valuable vein
Rich vein
Mother ___ (major mining find)
Prospector's bonanza
Prospector's strike
Rich deposit of minerals
Layer of ore
Mine find
Mother ___ (miner's find)
Mine vein
Mother follower
Great find, with mother
Rich ore source
Prospector's find
Rich source of minerals
Mine vein
Miner's quest
Rich vein
Mother follower
Metallic vein
Rich vein of ore
Mine deposit
Quarry find
Rich source of minerals
Mining bonanza
Vein rich with ore deposits
Metal-bearing vein
Mineral jackpot
Mining find
Rich vein of ore
Rich vein of ore
Pay dirt
Rich deposit
Mine find
Vein of ore in a mine
Rich mineral vein
Source of 51-Across
Vein of 2-Down
Vein of ore
Rich source
Valuable vein
Vein of minerals
Prospector's bonanza
Deposit of ore
Miner's quest
Ore locale
Likely spot for a mine
Sourdough's dream
Rich supply
Rich source
Homophone of "load"
Ore source
Mother follower
Mine vein
Rich deposit
Mother ____
Rich mineral source
Rich source of minerals
Ore vein
Mine bonanza
Mother ___ (mining discovery)
Mother follower
Ore deposit
Mineral vein
Homophone of 19-Down
Main vein
Ore vein
Prospector's bonanza
Mother ___ (principal site of an ore deposit)
Mineral deposit
Prospector's bonanza
Ore deposit
Ore deposit
Vein of ore
Mining bonanza
Mother ___ (mining bonanza)
Vein of metal
Mining bonanza
Vein of 2-Down
Rich source
Mine vein
Source of riches
Ore vein
Ore deposit
Valuable vein
Rich vein
Rich mineral vein
Valuable find in a mine
Rich deposit of minerals
Layer of ore
Mine find
Mine vein
Valuable vein in a mine
Prospector's bonanza
Vein of metal in rock
Rich ore source
Rich source of minerals
Mine vein
Rich vein
Comstock ___ (1850s discovery)
Mine deposit