Word: KNOB

The word KNOB has appeared in at least 91 clues on different crosswords.

What you turn to open a door
Oft-turned thing
Door opener
Old TV feature
Round handle
Round handle on a door
Twistable door handle
Drawer handle
Door feature
Etch-a-Sketch control
Baseball bat bottom
Radio dial
Gearshift topper
Protrusion on a door or drawer
Drawer pull
Door or drawer opener
Door feature, often
Turning point?
Door opener
Door feature near the keyhole
Round cabinet handle
Door feature
Round item on a door
Door handle
Door handle
Door handle
Drawer pull
Etch A Sketch part
One in an Old Time Radio lineup
Round handle
Bygone TV feature
Door part
Twistable control on an old console TV
Radio tuner
Etch-a-Sketch control
Door feature
Dresser gripper
Drawer pull
Door handle
Turning point?
Drawer handle
Round handle on a desk drawer
Door opener
Round handle
Door handle
Saloon door's lack
Door part
Drawer handle
Round cabinet handle
Door feature
One of two on an Etch A Sketch
Radio dial
Radio dial, for example
What you turn to open a door
Drawer pull
Microscope part
Door feature
Round handle
Round part of an Etch A Sketch
What turns on a radio?
Handle on a drawer
Turning point?
Door handle
Volume control on some radios
Door handle that might have a keyhole
It may turn slowly in a horror movie
Handle on a dresser
Door handle
Drawer handle
Drawer pull
Round handle
Door feature near the keyhole
Door part
Radio tuner
Round part of an old TV or radio
Door feature
Drawer pull
Door handle
Turning point?
Door opener
Turning point?
Turnable handle on a door