Word: KILO

The word KILO has appeared in at least 93 clues on different crosswords.

Bust size?
About 2.2 pounds
Metric mass
Trafficker's amount
Metric measure
About 2.2 pounds, briefly
Metric measure
Metric weight, for short
Metric weight, briefly
Bust measurement?
Metric weight that's roughly 2.2 pounds, briefly
Narc's seizure
Metric weight, for short
Part of a bust
Metric weight
Metric measure
Metric weight
Prefix with gram or hertz
Metric mass measure
Roughly 2.2 lbs
Metric prefix that means "1,000"
Approximately 2.2 pounds, briefly
DEA agent's find
Roughly 2.2 lbs
Metric weight
Measure equal to 1,000 grams, for short
1,000 grams, briefly
Metric weight
Metric weight unit
Metric weight, for short
Metric weight, for short
Drug unit
Metric weight
Metric prefix
Metric prefix
Metric measure
About 2.2 pounds, for short
Metric prefix meaning "1,000"
Lima preceder in the NATO alphabet
Metric weight, for short
Metric weight that's roughly 2.2 pounds, briefly
1000 grams, for short
Metric weight, for short
Drug smuggler's weight unit
Metric measure
Roughly 2.2 lbs
Roughly 2.2 lbs
Measure of 2 pounds
Approximate weight of a liter of water
Metric weight, informally
European scale measure
Metric weight, for short
Metric weight, for short
Metric measure
Drug trafficker's unit of weight
Metric prefix meaning "thousand"
Metric weight
Metric measure
Unit of weight for narcotics
K, in the NATO alphabet
Smuggler's weight, perhaps
Metric measure
Prefix for "watt" or "byte" that means 1,000
Metric weight
Metric mass measure
Metric weight that's roughly 2.2 pounds, for short
Valuable load for a mule
Roughly 2.2 lbs
Metric weight that's roughly 2.2 pounds, briefly
Metric weight
Metric prefix
Metric weight, for short
Unit of weight, for short
Metric weight
Metric measure
Metric prefix that means "one thousand"
Thousand: Prefix
About 2.2 lb.
Metric weight, for short
Unit of weight, for short
Metric unit that's a little over two pounds, for short
Metric weight unit
Metric measure
Metric weight unit, for short
Approximately 2.2 lb.
The "k" in kg
It's about 2.2 lbs.
The "k" of kHz
Metric equivalent of about 2.2 pounds, for short
Metric prefix meaning "thousand"
Drug smuggler's unit of weight
Prefix meaning "thousand"
Metric weight unit