Word: ITSA

The word ITSA has appeared in at least 88 clues on different crosswords.

"___ long story": 2 wds.
"— girl!"
Birth announcement start
"__ thought"
"___ date!" ("I'll see you then!") (2 wds.)
''__ crying shame!''
Frank Capra's "___ Wonderful Life" (2 wds.)
“___ girl!”
Birth announcement intro
“___ jungle out there”
"— Wonderful Life"
With 22-Across, proud parent's cry
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
Frank Capra's "___ Wonderful Life" (2 wds.)
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
"__ miracle!"
Celebratory words before "boy" or "girl"
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
“___ girl!”
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
“___ deal!”
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
“___ jungle out there”
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
"___ Good Day," Peggy Lee hit
"__ miracle!"
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ trap!"
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
“___ trap!”
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Good Day," Peggy Lee hit
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
Words with deal or date
Frank Capra's "___ Wonderful Life" (2 wds.)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ deal"
Words with deal or date
"__ miracle!"
Words with deal or date
"___ small world after all": 2 wds.
"___ Good Day," Peggy Lee hit
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ pleasure doing business with you": 2 wds.
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
With 66-Across, director's cry ... or hint to 20-, 37- and 58-Across
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ miracle!"
"___ miracle!"
"___ Small World"
Words before ''boy'' or ''girl''
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Small World"
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Good Day," Peggy Lee hit
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Wonderful Life" (1946)
"___ Boy" ("Tommy" song)
Words with deal or date