The word INSTA has appeared in at least 49 clues on different crosswords.

Very quick, in brand names
Photo-sharing service, familiarly
Photo-sharing app, colloquially
Gram opening
App with pics, familiarly
Photo-sharing website, familiarly
Popular photo app, informally
Photo-sharing app, briefly
App with pics, familiarly
Popular video-sharing app, familiarly
Popular photo-sharing app, for short
App with pics, familiarly
Photo-sharing app, familiarly
Photo-sharing site owned by Facebook, for short
Photo-sharing app, briefly
App with pics, familiarly
Photo-sharing app, briefly
Popular video-sharing app, familiarly
App with pics
App with pics, familiarly
Where Ariana Grande has 230 million followers, informally
Photo-sharing app, familiarly
Pic that may have millions of likes
Modern pic
App with pics, familiarly
App with pics, familiarly
Popular video-sharing app, familiarly
Photo-sharing platform, for short
App that has stories, for short
App for sharing pics
Photo-sharing app, familiarly
Social networking site known for filters and hashtags, for short
App with Reels, for short
"The gram"
Lead-in to "gram" in social media
"The gram"
Pic-sharing app, informally
App with reels, casually
Social photo app, for short
Photo-sharing app
Commercial prefix with -gram or -matic
Site with selfies, familiarly
"The gram"
Commercial prefix with -gram or -matic
The 'gram
App with stories and reels, briefly
App with photo dumps, for short
Commercial prefix with -gram or -matic
Social app with Stories and Reels, for short