Word: INE

The word INE has appeared in at least 126 clues on different crosswords.

Chemical suffix
Suffix with salt
Adjectival ending
Chemical suffix
Having four sharps
Suffix with alp
Chemical suffix
Ending for serpent
Like Bach's French Suite No. 6
Chemistry suffix
Suffix with elephant
Alp ending
Ending for Joseph or nectar
Chemical suffix
Suffix with elephant
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with salt
Like "Spring" from Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons"
Serpent suffix
Suffix with nectar or serpent
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with adamant
Suffix with alp
Suffix with serpent
Ending like -like
Suffix with labyrinth
Like Vivaldi's "Spring"
Suffix with hero
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with adamant
Common word-ending letters that can be pronounced five ways, as demonstrated in five long puzzle answers
Analogue for -like
Suffix with serpent
Ending for opal
Like "Spring" from Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons"
Ending like -esque
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Ending for opal
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Ending with hero or alp
Suffix with serpent
Cousin of -enne
Having four sharps
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with adamant
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Having four sharps, musically
Suffix with hero
Brilliant conclusion
Suffix with serpent
Like Haydn's Symphony No. 12
Having four sharps
Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 __ minor
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with salt
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Adjectival ending
Suffix with serpent or elephant
Alp ending
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
It's like ''-like''
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with serpent or elephant
Cousin of -enne
Suffix with serpent or elephant
Suffix with labyrinth
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent or elephant
Suffix with serpent
Like "Spring" from Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons"
Brilliant conclusion
Ending for Joseph or nectar
Like Bach's Partita for Violin No. 3
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent or opal
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent or elephant
Ending for Joseph or nectar
Suffix with serpent
Ending for Joseph or nectar
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent or elephant
Chemical suffix
Suffix with adamant
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
Ending for opal
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Chemical suffix
Suffix with serpent
Suffix with serpent or elephant
Brilliant conclusion