Word: IMO

The word IMO has appeared in at least 246 clues on different crosswords.

Text message qualifier
Texter's ''Here's what I think''
Texter's "two cents" lead-in
Tweeter's "If you ask me"
Texting qualifier
''If you ask me,'' in texts
Texter's "If you ask me . . ."
'If u ask me ...'
Texter's "I think ..."
Texter's cautioning letters
"As I see it," to a texter
Texter's "I believe"
Texter's "Just sayin'"
"Methinks," in texts
Texter's ''I think''
"As I see it," to a texter
"If you ask me," in a blog comment
"Personally, I think ...," in a text
"As I see it," via text
"You may not have asked me, but ..."
"I think," in an email
"Here's what I think," in e-mail
"As I see it," to a texter
Texter's "Just sayin'"
Internet initialism
"You may disagree," to texters
"As I see it," to a texter
"This texter thinks ..."
"As I see it," in a text
"I think," in texts
Texter's qualifier
Texter's "if you ask me"
"This is what I think," in texts
"I believe ..." in textspeak
Texter's "If you ask me"
Texter's view introducer
Shorthand for "If you ask me"
Intro to a texting thought
"If u ask me ... "
Texter's "As I see it"
"I think," in textspeak
"I believe," online
"I'd say," to a texter
"Here's what I think," in texts
Preface for a personal view, in a text
Tweeter's qualifier
Chatspeak qualifier
"If u ask me ..."
Texter's opinion intro
"As I see it," in a text
Texter's "Here's what I think"
Texter's "I think"
"As I see it," to a texter
Brief form of “Not that anyone asked, but...”
"As I see it," in a text
"Here's what I think," in a text
Texting qualifier
Letters before a viewpoint
"As I see it," to a texter
''If you ask me . . .'' text
"What I think is ...," in texts
Texter's "As I see it"
"From where I sit," briefly
"As I see it," on Twitter
Brief "If you ask me (even if you didn't)"
Preface to a conviction
“As I see it...” online
Texter's qualifier
"As I see things ...," in a text
''If you ask me'' shorthand
Texter's "I think"
"If you ask me," to texters
Texter's qualifier
"Here's a thought," briefly
"As I see it," in a text
Tweeter's "Here's what I think"
“FWIW, here’s what I think...”
"It seems to me," in texts
"I think," to a texter
Texter's qualifier
"If you ask me," to texters
Texting qualifier
"If you ask me," briefly
"According to me," in e-mail shorthand
"As I would say," in a text
"If you ask me" letters
Perspective preamble
"If you ask me ...," in texts
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"Just sayin'," in texts
Texter’s qualifier
"According to me" in texting shorthand
Point-of-view prelude
Texter's "Here's what I think"
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
Online “If you ask me...”
"Here's what I think," in a text
"Personally, I think ...," in texts
“Here’s how I see it,” to texters
Brief "If you ask me (and even if you didn't)"
"According to me," in e-mail shorthand
Texter's "As I see it"
Brief "I think"
Texter's two-cents intro
"If you ask me," in tweets
"As I see it," in a blog comment
"If you ask me," to a texter
Tweeter's "Here's what I think"
"I think," to texters
"As I see it" letters
"Here's what I think," in e-mail
"According to me" in texting shorthand
Letters for throwing in your two cents
"As I see it," in texting shorthand
"If you ask me ...," in shorthand
Letters for throwing in your two cents
Texting qualifier
Texter's "If you ask me"
"The way I see it," to a texter
Twitter shorthand
Cyberspeak ''I think''
Tweeter's "Here's what I think"
"Just sayin'," in texts
Texter's "I think"
"If u ask me ..."
When giving your opinion, short form
Initialism that can include an "h" for "humble"
"If you ask me," to texters
Tweeter's ''As I see it . . .''
"According to me" in texting shorthand
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"As I see it," to a texter
''I think'' tweet
Brief "I think"
Brief "If you ask me (and even if you didn't)"
"Here's what I think," in texts
Online qualifier
Texter's "If you ask me"
Texter's "If you ask me"
"If you ask me" letters
Texter's ''I think''
Texter's "I feel"
Texter's "If you ask me"
"Here's what I think ... " (Abbr.)
"The way I see it ...," online
"Just my 2 cents," in a text
Qualifying letters in a text
"As I see it," in a text
"As I see it" shorthand
Texter's lead-in to a view
"From where I sit ...," in an online comment
Texter's prelude to a take
Succinct "I think"
Letters introducing a hot take
"If you ask me" shorthand
"For me..." online
"According to me" in texting shorthand
"It seems to me ...," in a text
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
Letters for throwing in your two cents
"If you ask me," for short
Texter's "I think ..."
Brief "If you ask me (and even if you didn't)"
"According to me," in e-mail shorthand
"I believe ...," in texts
Texter's "I think ..."
Letters for throwing in your two cents
"The way I see it ...," in an online message
"If you ask me ... " in a text
"If you ask me" shorthand
Texter's "I think ..."
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
Texter's qualifier
"According to me" in texting shorthand
Intro to a hot takeend
Qualifying letters in a tweet
"If u ask me ..."
"What I think ...," in a text
Letters for throwing in your two cents
"Here's how I view it," from a texter
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"If you ask me" letters
"According to me," in e-mail shorthand
Texter's "If you ask me"
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"I'd say," in a text
Letters for throwing in your two cents
Texter's "Personally ..."
Qualifier in a text
Abbreviation aptly found in "testimonial"
"I think," in a text
"If you ask me" shorthand
"I think," in texts
Texter's "I think"
"To me ...," in a tweet
Texter's "Here are my thoughts ..."
"As I see it" shorthand
Brief "If you ask me ... "
"if u ask me . . ."
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"As I see it" shorthand
"Here's what I think," in e-mail
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"If you ask me" shorthand
Initialism to which an "h" is sometimes added
"You didn't ask, but …" to a texter
"if u ask me"
"According to me," in textspeak
"According to me," in e-mail shorthand
"As I see it" abbreviation
"I think . . ." in a text
Texter's "To me ..."
Intro to a hot take over text
Texter's "I think ..."
Brief "If you ask me ... "
Texter's "As I see it"
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"As I see it," for short
"As I see it" shorthand
Texter's "If you ask me"
"Just sayin'," in texts
"According to me" in texting shorthand
Brief "If you ask me ... "
Texter's "If you ask me ..."
Texter's "I think"
Terse "If you ask me"
"If you ask me," for short
"If you ask me," briefly
"According to me," online
Texter's qualifier
"Here's my position on that ...," in a text
"If u ask me . . ."
"According to me," in e-mail shorthand
"If you ask me ..." in text shorthand
"Here's my take on that ...," in online comments
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"If u ask me ..."
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"If you ask me," in chat rooms
"if u ask me"
"Here's what I'm thinking," in texts
"If you ask me," online
"As I see it," for short