Word: IDA

The word IDA has appeared in at least 545 clues on different crosswords.

Sun Valley's state (Abbr.)
Ms. Lupino
Wash. neighbor
Actress Lupino
She's "sweet as apple cider"
A Rocky Mountain st.
Actress Lupino
First lady McKinley
"Apple cider" girl of song
Lupino of films
State known for "Famous Potatoes": Abbr.
Lupino of Hollywood
Lupino of the silver screen
Ore-___ (frozen food company)
Lupino of the movies
Boise's state: Abbr.
Lupino of film
Lupino of film
Lupino of movies
Ms. Lupino
___ Know (blame-taking "Family Circus" ghost)
A Rocky Mtn. state
Hollywood's Lupino
Boise's st.
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Greek peak
Ms. Lupino
Writer Tarbell
State abbreviation that ends the frozen-food brand started by 46-Down
Lupino of Tinseltown
Neighbor of B.C.
Actress Lupino
Greek mountain
State between Ore. and Mont.
Ms. Lupino
Early civil rights activist __ B. Wells
Filmdom's Lupino
Lupino of film
Lovely Lupino
Lupino of Hollywood
Actress Lupino
First lady McKinley
Lupino of film
Greek mountain
Hollywood's Lupino
Home of Hells Canyon and Heavens Gate Lookout: Abbr.
"____, sweet as apple cider..."
Ore-___ (brand of tater tots)
Writer Tarbell
Filmdom's Lupino
Writer Tarbell
Sun Vly.'s state
Director Lupino
Boise's state: Abbr.
She's "sweet as apple cider"
Suffragist ___ B. Wells
Actress Lupino
Hollywood's Lupino
Asteroid with a moon
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of film
Neighbor of Wyo.
Hollywood's Lupino
State that's west of Montana: Abbr.
State east of Wash.
Director Lupino
Titular novice nun of an Oscar-winning foreign-language film
Lupino of films
State that's east of Oregon and Washington: Abbr.
Neighbor of B.C.
"Apple cider" girl of song
Lupino of films
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of movies
Writer Tarbell
Film's Lupino
Wyo. neighbor
Film's Lupino
Lupino of film
State between Wash. and Mont.
Nev. neighbor
Director Lupino
Lupino of film
Early suffragist ___ B. Wells
Movie star Lupino
Ms. Tarbell
Movie star Lupino
Ore-___ (frozen-food brand)
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Lupino of film
Where the Snake R. flows
Writer Tarbell
Ms. Lupino
Gilbert & Sullivan princess
Ore-___ (Tater Tots brand)
Movie star Lupino
Lupino of movies
Ore-___ (frozen-food brand)
Lupino who starred opposite Humphrey Bogart
The Gem St.
Actress Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Lupino of film
Its state lic. plate reads "Famous Potatoes"
Lovely Lupino
Lupino or Ljungqvist
Mount in Crete
Acting Lupino
Girl's name that's also a state abbreviation
Lupino of film
Greek mountain
Hollywood's Lupino
Lupino of movies
Rhoda's mom on classic TV
Ms. Lupino
Wyo. neighbor
Lupino of Hollywood
Journalist Tarbell
Lupino of films
Girl "sweet as apple cider"
Lupino of the movies
She's "sweet as apple cider"
Actress Lupino
Lupino of the silver screen
Crete mountain
Ms. Lupino
State whose eastern neighbors are Montana and Wyoming: Abbr.
Cretan peak
Ms. Lupino
State that's only 45 miles wide at the top: Abbr.
She's sweet as apple cider
Movie actress Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Lupino with a 47-year film career
Cretan peak
Rhoda's mom
Violinist Kavafian
"Apple cider" girl of song
Film star Lupino
Crete mountain
Ore-___ (frozen food brand)
Lupino of the silver screen
Crete mountain
Ms. Lupino
Wash. neighbor
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Writer Tarbell
Cretan peak
Lupino of the silver screen
Crete mountain
Lupino of the movies
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of Tinseltown
State in which the Forest Service holds the highest % of land
Movie star Lupino
Actress Lupino
Lupino of film
"Apple cider" girl of song
Acting Lupino
See 60-Across
Journalist Tarbell
Ms. Lupino
State whose capital is Boise: Abbr.
Hollywood's Lupino
Crete peak
Gilbert and Sullivan princess
Writer Tarbell
Lupino of the big screen
Civil rights activist Wells
Lupino of filmdom
Boise's st.
Lupino of films
Ore-___ (Tater Tots brand)
Lupino of the movies
Muckraker Tarbell
Lovely Lupino
Lovely Lupino
Hollywood’s Lupino
Director Lupino
Mont. neighbor
Dwight Eisenhower’s mother
Ore-___ (Tater Tots brand)
Rhoda's mother, on "Rhoda"
Hollywood's Lupino
Wyo. neighbor
___ Saxton McKinley (First Lady from 1897 to 1901)
Lupino of old movies
Crete peak
"Apple cider" girl of song
Ore-___ (company that sells frozen waffle fries)
Lupino of the big screen
State that's famous for its potatoes: Abbr.
Film's Lupino
Gilbert and Sullivan title character
State in both the Mountain and Pacific time zones: Abbr.
Ms. Lupino
Filmdom's Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Hollywood's Lupino
Wash. neighbor
The Gem St.
Lovely Lupino
Ms. Lupino
Boise's st.
Neighbor of Ore.
Hollywood's Lupino
State where Pocatello and Twin Falls are: Abbr.
Actress-director Lupino
Ms. Lupino
Actress Lupino
Lupino of films
B.C. neighbor
Ms. Lupino
Boise's state (Abbr.)
Lupino of movies
State east of Wash.
Film's Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Half a frozen potato brand
Lupino of film
Gilbert and Sullivan's "Princess ___"
Actress Lupino
Author Tarbell
Cretan peak
Gilbert and Sullivan princess
Lovely Lupino
State admitted after Wash.
Hrs." costar 16. "Rhoda" mom
Ore-___ (frozen food company)
Film's Lupino
Reformer Tarbell
Actress/director Lupino
Ore-___ (frozen-food brand)
Director Lupino
Actress and director Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Lupino of movies
Actress and director Lupino
Actress-director Lupino
Lupino of “High Sierra”
Boise is its capital: Abbr.
Actress and director Lupino
Lupino of old movies
St. with a panhandle
Old actress Lupino
Lupino of movies
Gilbert & Sullivan princess
Eddie Cantor's wife
Where the Snake R. flows
Lupino of Hollywood
Lupino of film
Home of Panhandle Natl. Forests
State whose southern neighbors are Nevada and Utah: Abbr.
Lupino of the big screen
___ B. Wells, co-founder of the N.A.A.C.P.
Civil rights advocate ___ B. Wells
State that's west of Montana: Abbr.
Lupino of film
Ore-___ (maker of Golden Crinkles fries)
The Gem St.
Neighbor of Wyo.
Journalist and NAACP co-founder ___ B. Wells
Movie actress Lupino
Lupino of Hollywood
___ B. Wells, civil rights pioneer
See 54-Down
NAACP co-founder __ B. Wells
"The Trouble With Angels" director Lupino
“The Business of Being a Woman” writer Tarbell
Home of Sawtooth Natl. Forest
Hollywood's Lupino
Filmmaker Lupino
Lovely Lupino
Filmmaker Lupino
“Sweet as apple cider” girl
Ms. Lupino
State known for its potatoes: Abbr.
Writer Tarbell who took on Standard Oil
Actress Lupino
Ore.'s neighbor
Lupino of movies
Lupino of films
Ore-___ (Golden Tater Tots brand name)
Lupino of old Hollywood
Journalist Tarbell
"Apple cider" girl of song
Boise's state: Abbr.
"Sweet as apple cider" girl
Suffragist ___ B. Wells
Actress Lupino
Pocatello's state: Abbr.
Lupino of the cinema
Crete mountain
Screen star Lupino
Acting Lupino
Lupino of movies
"Apple cider" girl of song
Ms. Lupino
Actress Lupino
State between Oregon and Montana: Abbr.
She's "sweet as apple cider"
Actress Lupino
Lupino of Hollywood
"High Sierra" Lupino of
Lupino of the silver screen
St. with a panhandle
Lupino of the movies
Hollywood's Lupino
Locale traversed by Lewis and Clark: Abbr.
Actress Lupino
Lupino of movies
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of Tinseltown
Actress Lupino
Ms. Lupino
Lovely Lupino
Lupino of film
Lupino of Hollywood
Where Boise is: Abbr.
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Actress Lupino
Pacific Northwest state famous for growing potatoes: Abbr.
Lupino of film
The eastern half of a frozen food brand
Mountain near ancient Troy
"____, sweet as apple cider..."
Filmdom's Lupino
Director Lupino
Hollywood's Lupino
Ms. Lupino
Civil rights pioneer ___ B. Wells
She's "sweet as apple cider"
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Actress Lupino
Lupino of film
Director Lupino
Lupino of films
Bitterroot Range st.
Lupino of films
Lupino of "Beware, My Lovely"
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of movies
Lupino of film
Titular novice nun of an Oscar-winning foreign-language film
Film's Lupino
Director Lupino
Film's Lupino
Ms. Tarbell
Neighbor of Wyoming (Abbr.)
Movie star Lupino
Ms. Lupino
Ore-___ (frozen food brand)
Movie star Lupino
Its state vegetable is the potato: Abbr.
The Gem State (Abbr.)
Actress Lupino
Cretan peak
Movie star Lupino
Lupino of movies
St. with a panhandle
Actress Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Lovely Lupino
Panhandle st.
Acting Lupino
Mountain near Salmon Arm
Lupino of film
State west of Montana (Abbr.)
Hollywood's Lupino
Journalist and NAACP co-founder ___ B. Wells
Rocky Mtn. state
Lupino of movies
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of Hollywood
Name hidden in "Friday"
Journalist Tarbell
Lupino of the movies
Boise's state: Abbr.
She's "sweet as apple cider"
Lupino of the silver screen
Ms. Lupino
Crete mountain
Ms. Lupino
She's sweet as apple cider
Rhoda's mom
Movie actress Lupino
"Sweet as apple cider" girl
"Apple cider" girl of song
Ore-___ (frozen food company)
Film star Lupino
Potato state (Abbr.)
Memorable 2021 hurricane
Ore. neighbor
Lupino of the silver screen
State east of Oregon (Abbr.)
Home to Pocatello and Boise: Abbr.
Ms. Lupino
Neighbor of Ore.
Lupino of the silver screen
Lupino of the movies
Greek peak
Ms. Lupino
Civil rights activist ___ B. Wells
Pacific Northwest state where "Napoleon Dynamite" was set: Abbr.
Lupino of Tinseltown
Actress Lupino
Movie star Lupino
Lupino of film
"Apple cider" girl of song
Journalist Tarbell
Wash. neighbor
Tin who coined the word "FemTech"
Neighbor of Ore.
Crete peak
Journalist Wells or Tarbell
Ms. Lupino
Zydeco star Queen ___
Hollywood's Lupino
Lupino of the big screen
Its capital is Boise: Abbr.
Lupino of filmdom
Journalist Wells
Destructive 2021 hurricane
Lovely Lupino
___ B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting
Lupino of the movies
Ore-___ (maker of Tater Tots)
Lovely Lupino
William McKinley's wife
Director Lupino
Potato state (Abbr.)
Hollywood's Lupino
Crete peak
Lupino of old movies
Where Boise is: Abbr.
"Apple cider" girl of song
Memphis's ___ B. Wells Plaza
Lupino of the big screen
Mount in Crete
Film's Lupino
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Activist ___ B. Wells
Hollywood's Lupino
Journalist ___ B. Wells
Boise's st.
Boise's home: Abbr.
Lovely Lupino
Ms. Lupino
Gilbert and Sullivan title character
Hollywood's Lupino
Old actress Lupino
Actress-director Lupino
B.C. neighbor: Abbr.
Ms. Lupino
Lupino of films
Ms. Lupino
Film's Lupino
Journalist ___ B. Wells
Lupino of movies
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Author Tarbell
___ B. Wells (civil rights pioneer)
Lupino of film
Hrs." costar 16. "Rhoda" mom
Neighbor of Wyoming (Abbr.)
Actress Lupino
NAACP cofounder ___ B. Wells
Lovely Lupino
"Oh My God" singer Maria
Reformer Tarbell
Film's Lupino
Lupino of "Beware, My Lovely"
Director Lupino
Lupino of "High Sierra"
Journalist ___ B. Wells
Lupino of movies
State that's known for potatoes: Abbr.
Actress-director Lupino
2014 Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film
Eddie Cantor's wife
Neighbor of Wyo.
Crete mountain
Lupino of old movies
State where Twin Falls is: Abbr.
Lupino of movies
Bassist Nielsen
Sweet-as-apple-cider girl
Lupino of Hollywood
Lupino of film
Lupino of the big screen
Crete mountain
___ Lupino, first woman to direct a classic noir film
Boise's state: Abbr.
Lupino of film
Movie actress Lupino
B.C. neighbor: Abbr.
Lupino of Hollywood
Hollywood's Lupino
Ore-___ (frozen food company)
2013 Pawel Pawlikowski film set in post-W.W. II Poland
1890 admission to the Union: Abbr.
Lovely Lupino
Ore.'s neighbor
Crete mountain
Chemist Noddack who co-discovered rhenium
Its state lic. plate reads "Famous Potatoes"
Actress Lupino
State whose panhandle separates Washington and Montana: Abbr.
Lupino of movies
Lupino of films
Lupino of old Hollywood
The Gem State (Abbr.)
"Apple cider" girl of song
Northwestern state that has a 45-mile border with Canada: Abbr.
Actress Lupino
Ore-___ (Tater Tots maker)
Lupino, and others
Lupino of the cinema
NAACP co-founder Wells
Screen star Lupino
Acting Lupino
"Apple cider" girl of song
Ore-___ (brand of frozen fries)
Lupino of movies
Journalist ___ B. Wells
State west of Montana: Abbr.
Ms. Lupino
Journalist and NAACP co-founder ___ B. Wells
Lupino of "Beware, My Lovely"
Civil rights legend ___ B. Wells
Ore's partner in frozen foods
She's "sweet as apple cider"
Actress Lupino
Journalist ___ B. Wells
Lupino of Hollywood
Director Lupino
"____, sweet as apple cider..."
Name that's an anagram of 54-Across
NAACP co-founder ___ B. Wells
State that has "FAMOUS POTATOES" on its license plates: Abbr.
Filmdom's Lupino
Hollywood's Lupino