Word: IAMB

The word IAMB has appeared in at least 102 clues on different crosswords.

Two-syllable foot
Poetic foot
Foot that's part of a meter
Shakespeare's foot
Foot for Frost
Metric unit
Prosodic foot
Type of poetic meter
Metric foot
Maya Angelou's foot
One of four in "As I Was Going to St. Ives"
Poetic foot
Poetic foot
Rhythm unit in poetry
Metric foot
Metrical foot
Poetic foot
One of two in "The Grapes of Wrath"
Poetic part
Metrical foot
“To be,” to poets
Two-syllable foot
Word that’s ironically a trochee
Poetic foot
Hamlet’s “to be,” e.g.
Metric foot
Foot with two parts
Metrical foot
Prosodic foot
Metric foot
Type of poetic meter
Rhythm unit in poety
Type of poetic meter
Foot that’s part of a meter
Foot in a poem
Poetic foot
“Ballade” consists of one
Metrical foot
Poetic foot
Metrical foot
Metrical foot, in poetry
Poetic foot
Poetic foot
Poetic foot
Two-syllable foot
Poetic foot with a short and a long syllable
Metrical foot
Poetic foot
Foot with a short part and a long part
Metrical foot
Poetic foot
Prosodic foot
Type of poetic meter
Metric foot
Poetic foot
Poetic foot
Rhythm unit in poetry
Foot in a poem
Metric foot
Metrical foot
Trochee's counterpart
Poetic part
Poetic foot
Shelley's foot
Short-long metrical foot
Shelley's foot
Amanda Gorman's foot
Metrical foot for the word "afoot"
Poetic foot with a short and long syllable
Part of a meter
Shakespearean fool
Foot in a sonnet
Foot with two parts
Prosodic foot
Poet's foot
Prosodic foot
Metric foot
Shelley's foot
Type of poetic meter
Rhythm unit in poety
Metrical foot, in poetry
Metrical foot
Type of poetic meter
Trochee's counterpart
"Macbeth," but not "Hamlet"
Poetic foot
One of three in "To be or not to be"
Metrical foot in poetry
Poetic foot
Metrical foot, in poetry
"Platoon," but not "Dunkirk"
Poetic foot
Shakespearean foot
Two-syllable foot
One foot in "the grave," poetically speaking
Poetic foot
Two-syllable poetic foot
Two-syllable poetic unit
Type of poetic meter
Metric foot