Word: HMO

The word HMO has appeared in at least 128 clues on different crosswords.

Care provider, briefly
Med. plan
Med. plan option
Medical care group like Kaiser Permanente: Abbr.
Coverage grp.
Med. plan option
Managed care gp.
Medical insurance choice (Abbr.)
WellCare, e.g.
Med. plan option
Med. plan option
Managed care group: Abbr.
Med. care group
Med. plan
Humana or Anthem, for short
Med. coverage provider
Medical ins. plan
Medical insurance option (Abbr.)
ER bill payer, perhaps
Medical insurance choice (Abbr.)
Managed care insurance option (Abbr.)
Medical insurance grp.
Medical insurance group (Abbr.)
Patient's insurance option, for short
Med. care provider
Medical insurance option (Abbr.)
Medical care gp.
Medical ins. plan
Medical plan option: Abbr.
Insurance letters
Company covering meds
Managed care insurance group: Abbr.
Managed care grp.
Medical insurance option (Abbr.)
Plan with copays: Abbr.
Grp. of medical providers
Medical care provider (Abbr.)
Patient-care grp.
Patient-care grp.
Anthem, Cigna, or CareFirst: Abbr.
Medical insurance grp.
Medical care group: Abbr.
Group insurance inits.
Med. care plan
Group insurance inits.
Managed care insurance option (Abbr.)
Med. plan
Benefits plan, maybe
Medical insurance option: Abbr.
Medical insurance option (Abbr.)
Group insurance inits.
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Type of medical insurance plan: Abbr.
Medical insurance grp. with copays
Group insurance inits.
Patient care group: Abbr.
Managed care insurance option (Abbr.)
Med. insurance plan
Medical plan option: Abbr.
Medical insurance option (Abbr.)
Managed care group: Abbr.
Group insurance inits.
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Blue Cross Blue Shield offering: Abbr.
Group insurance inits.
Type of medical coverage plan: Abbr.
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Group insurance inits.
Kaiser Permanente, for one: Abbr.
Managed care gp.
Med. plan
Group insurance inits.
Med. care option
Group insurance inits.
Benefits Department option
Medical ins. plan
Medical coverage group: Abbr.
Medical insurance option (Abbr.)
Medical care provider (Abbr.)
Medical care organization (abbr)
Med. care provider
Medical care organization (abbr)
Medical care organization (abbr)
Group insurance inits.
Medical care organization (abbr)
Medicare choice
Med. care provider
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Medical insurance plan: Abbr.
Med. care provider
Med. care provider
Med. plan
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Med. care provider
Medical insurance choice (Abbr.)
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Medical insurance choice (Abbr.)
Group insurance inits.
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Medical care provider (Abbr.)
Med. plan option
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Group insurance inits.
Health coverage under contract (abbr)
Med. plan
Medical care organization (abbr)
Medical care organization (abbr)
Medical plan grp.
Med. plan
Medical insurance option: Abbr.
Med. plan
Medical care organization (abbr)
Group insurance inits.
Medical service provider (Abbr.)
Medical care organization (abbr)
Bloc of docs
Network of insurance coverage: Abbr.
Med. plan
Medical coverage grp.
Med. plan
Medical plan inits.
Group insurance inits.
Medical care organization (abbr)
Managed care insurance group: Abbr.
Medical care organization (abbr)
Dr.'s network
Medical coverage optionend