Word: HMM

The word HMM has appeared in at least 72 clues on different crosswords.

"I'm thinking ..."
Thoughtful sound
"Very interesting ..."
"Let me think ..."
Exclamation of contemplation
"That's odd..."
"Let me think ..."
Under consideration
"I wonder..."
"I wonder ..."
"I wonder ... "
Let me think
"Let me consider that ..."
"I wonder ... "
"Let me think ..."
"Let me think ..."
"Let me think ..."
“Let me think about that...”
''Let me think . . .''
"Let me think ..."
'I wonder...'
"That's odd ..."
''I wonder . . .''
"Things that Make You Go ___"
"Let me see ..."
Sound that indicates "That's curious ..."
''Let me think . . .''
"Let me think about that ..."
"That's odd ... "
Sound of contemplation
''Let me see . . .''
"I'm thinking"
Under consideration ......
Let me think
Contemplative comment
Sound from a ponderer
"Let me think ... "
What you might say after reading a tricky crossword clue
Under consideration ......
Let me think
Let me think
"I dunno ..."
Consideration exclamation
Sound meaning "Let me consider that ..."
"I'm not so sure about this ..."
''Let me see . . .''
Utterance while chewing on a pencil
"Let me think ..."
"I'm thinking"
'I wonder...'
Let me think
"Lemme think ..."
'I wonder...'
"Let's see here ..."
"Interesting . . ."
"Things that Make You Go ___"
"Well, let's see now ..."
"Let me think ..."
"I'm thinking ..."
"Let me think ..."
"Let me see ..."
"Let me think about that . . ."
"Let me think . . ."
"Makes you wonder ..."
"Let me think . . ."
"Lemme think . . ."
"Lemme think . . ."
"Let me think . . ."