Word: HED

The word HED has appeared in at least 43 clues on different crosswords.

"If only ___ listened ..."
"... him an inch, ___ take a mile"
"__ do anything for me"
"If only ___ listened ..."
"___ give you the shirt off his back"
"If only __ listened"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
''__ be silly not to''
"__ do anything for me"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"If only ___ listened ..."
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
“I Guess ___ Rather Be in Colorado” (John Denver song)
''If only __ listened . . .''
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"__ do anything for me"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"__ do anything for me"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"If only ___ listened ..."
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"If only ___ listened ..."
"If only ___ listened ..."
"___ give you the shirt off his back"
"If only ___ listened ..."
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"__ do anything for me"
"If only ___ listened ..." (comment about a man who's made a mistake)
Homophone of a synonym for "obey"
"If only ___ listened ..."
"I thought ___ be taller"
"___ be better off ..."
"__ do anything for me"
"___ give you the shirt off his back"
"___ fly through the air with the greatest of ease"
"If only ___ listened ..."
"If only ___ listened ..."
Third-person contraction