Word: HAMS

The word HAMS has appeared in at least 89 clues on different crosswords.

Spiral-cut meats
Unlikely Tony winners
Radio hobbyists
They act badly
Overly expressive actors
Radio operators
Baked Easter entreés
Stage show-offs
Smokehouse offerings
Easter entrees
Far from subtle actors
Sandwich meats
Bad actors
Some smokehouse selections
Performers who overact
Some smokehouse meats
Smithfield purchases
Easter meats
Overly demonstrative performers
Cuts of pork
Easter entrees
Actors who overact
Easter entrees
Virginia exports
Butcher's assortment
Some zealous actors
Scenery chewers
Honey-glazed entrees
Butcher-shop offerings
Some overreachers, on stage
Some Sunday roasts
Sandwich meats
Bad actors
Overly theatrical sorts
Carved dishes
Amateur radio operators
Amateur radio broadcasters
Virginia __
Smithfield purchases
Ones acting badly
Pork roasts
Pink meats
Deli meats
Broad players
Challenges for directors
They act badly
Meats often eaten at Easter and Christmas
Some actors
They may be cured
Some actors
Smithfield purchases
Radio buffs
Some smokehouse meats
Smoked meats
Overplays, with "up"
Some actors
Scenery chewers
Unlikely Oscar nominees
Grandstanding actors
Easter dinner entrées
Easter meats
Unlikely Oscar winners
Cuts of pork
Spirals out over the winter holidays?
Virginia exports
Butcher's assortment
Butcher-shop offerings
Smoked meats
Bad actors
Amateur radio operators
Some actors
Some actors
Spiral-cut entrees
Some holiday roasts
Pork roasts
Deli meats
Smithfield purchases
Overacting actors
Actors who don't play their roles subtly
Virginia exports
Traditional Easter meats
Smithfield purchases
Smoked meats
Smoked meats
Glazed seitan creations
Honey-baked meats
Actors who overdo the emotions
Some smokehouse meats
Some actors