Word: EVES

The word EVES has appeared in at least 304 clues on different crosswords.

Festive nights before
Preholiday nights
Holiday times
December 24th and 31st
Nights before big events
Pre-event periods
Preceding periods
Preceding nights
Days before big events
Nights before
''__ Diary'' (Twain Biblical tale)
Preceding nights
Preholiday nights
Brenner and Plumb
Pre-revelry nights
Prior nights
Nights before
December 24 and 31
December 24 and 31
Preholiday nights
December 31 and others
Nights of anticipation
Nights before
Preholiday nights
Days before holidays
Holiday nights
Special nights
Nights before
''__ Diary'' (Twain book)
Festive nights
Festive nights before
Days before holidays
Festive nights
Nights preceding holidays
Expectant times
12/24 and 12/31
Holiday precursors
Festive nights
Celebratory nights
Holiday lead-ins
After-work times, in classifieds
Preholiday nights
Plumb et al.
Holiday lead-ins
Times to call, in ads
Holiday precursors
Party times, often
Preholiday nights
Times to revel
Nights before New Year's Day and Christmas
Second person's namesakes
Nights prior
Just-prior periods
Nights preceding major holidays
Times before observances
Holiday precursors
December 24th and 31st
Nights before celebrations
Party times
Holidays' preceders
Times to prepare
Nights before
Festive nights
Special holiday periods
Festival preludes
Nights when kids have a hard time falling asleep
Preholiday nights
Deadline precursors
Pre-revelry nights
Nights before
Arden and Plumb
Holiday lead-ins
Days before holidays or special events
Times for preparation
Preholiday nights
Festive nights
Holiday precursors
Times in classifieds
Festive nights
Times in classifieds
Days before holidays
Nights before
Nights before holidays
Workday followers, in ads
Festive nights
Anticipatory days
Pre-holiday nights
Nights before
Big nights
Preholiday nights
Holiday nights
Holiday lead-ins
Prior nights
Preceding nights
Arden and others
Nights before major holidays
Festive nights
Holiday lead-ins
Pre-revelry nights
Holiday nights
Nights before
December 24 and 31
Pre-event periods
Nights before
Nights before holidays
Days prior
December 24 and 31
Nights before
Preceding periods
Preceding nights
Holiday nights
Days before big days
Pre-holiday nights
Times before the present?
Gift-wrapping occasions
Nights before holidays
Days before holidays
Nights before
December 24 and 31
Nights before holidays
Days before events
Pre-event periods
Nights before big days
Times to call, in ads
Gift-wrapping times, perhaps
Festival preludes
Nights before
October 31 and December 31, notably
Classified times
Nights before
Nights prior to holidays
Preceding nights
Preholiday nights
Festive nights
''. . . seven Christmas __ ago'': Dickens
Days before
Tense times, maybe
Nights before holidays
Arden et al.
Nights before
Dusks, in poetry
Days of anticipation
Holiday lead-ins
Nights before holidays
Preceding periods
Festive nights
Festive nights
Prefeast nights
Nights before holidays
Festive nights
Holiday times
Preholiday nights
December 24 and 31
Holiday precursors
December 24 and December 31, for example
Nights before holidays
Days before holidays
Preceding periods
Dark times, informally
Holiday times
Festive nights before
Preceding nights
Preholiday nights
Brenner and Plumb
Days before holidays
Nights before
Preceding periods
Preceding periods
Preholiday nights
Preceding nights
Days before holidays
Nights that precede holidays
Preholiday nights
Times to call, in ads
Festive nights
Days before holidays
Festive nights before
Festive nights
Days before holidays
Times for some vigils
Nights preceding holidays
Nights before
Festive nights
Plumb et al.
Pre-event periods
Preholiday nights
Holiday precursors
Anticipatory times
Arden and Plumb
Nights before holidays
''__ Diary'' (Twain book with an apple on the cover)
Days before holidays
Holiday precursors
Nights before celebrations
Nights before Christmas and New Year's Day
Holidays' preceders
Days before holidays
December 24th and 31st
Nights before
Times to call, in ads
Festival preludes
Festive nights
Tense times, maybe
Nights before holidays
Preholiday nights
Nights before holidays
Arden and Plumb
Nights before
Days of anticipation
Nights before
Nights before holidays
Preholiday nights
Festive nights
Nights before holidays
They're ahead of their time
Prior nights
Days before holidays
Holiday precursors
Nights before special days
Festive nights
Pre-holiday nights
Holiday lead-ins
Festive nights
Days before holidays
Holiday nights
Nights before holidays
Preholiday nights
Preceding nights
Arden and others
Dec. 24 and Dec. 31, e.g.
Festive nights
Nights before big days
Nights before holidays
Nights of anticipation
Two days in December
December 24 and 31
Nights before
Nights before
Nights before holidays
Dec. 24 and 31, e.g.
Nights before holidays
Notable nights
Nights before
Nights before holidays
Some big nights
Times to call, in ads
Times before big days
Festival preludes
Nights before
Nights before
Nights prior to holidays
Preholiday nights
Festive nights
December 24 and 31, e.g.
Big nights before big days
Nights before holidays
Arden et al.
Day before (plural)
Nights before
Nights preceding holidays
Nights before holidays
Holiday nights
Festive nights
Times for holiday parties
Festive nights
Festive nights
Prefeast nights
December 24 and 31
Festive nights
Times outside office hours, in personals
Preholiday nights
Holiday precursors
December 24 and December 31, for example
Festive nights
Nights before holidays
Some sleepless nights
Holiday times
Preceding nights
Times to call, in ads
Preceding periods
Festive nights before
Preholiday nights
Brenner and Plumb
Pre-holiday nights
December 24 and December 31, for two
Preceding periods
Festive nights
Nights before holidays
Nights before big holidays
Nights preceding holidays
Days before holidays