Word: ETAL

The word ETAL has appeared in at least 388 clues on different crosswords.

List-ending abbr.
Catchall abbreviation
And others (Lat.)
Footnote abbr.
And others: abbr.
Bibliography abbr.
List-ending abbr
Bibliography abbr.
Citation ender, briefly
And others: abbr.
And other people: 2 wds.
Catalog card abbr.
Bibliog. space saver
List-ending abbr.
Abbreviation that ends many bibliography lists (2 wds.)
List-shortening abbr.
Abbr. at the end of a list
And others: Abbr.
Phrase that shortens a list of people: 2 wds.
List ending, briefly
Name-dropping abbr.
Catalog card abbr.
And others, for short
Bibliog. space saver
Footnote abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Abbreviation in a shortened list (2 wds.)
List-ending abbr.
List-shortening abbr.
"And others," in a bibliography
Card catalog abbr.
Card catalog abbr.
Bibliographic abbr.
Apt end for this puzzle's list of starred entries
List-ending abbr.
Roster abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
Abbr. at the end of a list
Latin list shortener
List maker's abbreviation (2 wds.)
Footnote abbr.
Catalog card abbr.
And others (Lat.)
Bibliographic abbr.
Name-list shortener
And others: Abbr.
List-ending abbr.
List shortener, briefly
End of some lists
List-shortening abbreviation
And others (Lat.)
Bibliography abbr.
And the rest (abbr.)
Card catalog abbr.
Common Latin abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
List shortener
"And others," in a bibliography
And others (Lat.)
List ending abbr.
Abbreviated Latin phrase
Citation shortener
"And others" (Abbr.)
Bibliography abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Name series condenser
List-ending abbr.
And so on
Abbr. in bibliographies
Citation ender, briefly
List shortener, briefly
List shortener
List-shortening abbr.
List maker's abbreviation (2 wds.)
Legal brief space saver
List ender (2 words)
List-ending abbr.
Footnote abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Library catalog abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Abbr. after several names
"And others," in bibliographies (2 wds.)
List shortener
Bibliography space saver
People surnamed Gore include Lesley, Tipper, ___
End of some lists
Abbr. after a series of 52-Downs
The other authors, briefly
Bibliographer's abbr.
And others: Lat.
Replacement for some omissions
And others, in a bibliography
Phrase that shortens a list of people: 2 wds.
Bibliographer's space-saving abbr.
Roster-shortening abbr.
"And others," in a footnote: Abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
Series-ending abbr.
And others (Lat.)
Space-saving list ender
And others: Abbr.
Abbr. that can replace a lot of things
List-shortening abbr.
Latin catchall
"And others," in footnotes (2 wds.)
Abbreviation that means "and others": 2 wds.
What makes lists briefer, briefly
List-ending abbr.
Data compression aid
And others, for short
Useful Latin phrase
“And others,” for short
Bibliography abbr.
And others (Abbr.)
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
And others: Abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Citation abbreviation
Series-ending abbr.
And others, in Lat.
And others (Lat.)
Substitute for unmentioned text
Series-ending abbr.
And others (Lat.)
And others: Abbr.
Roster abbr.
List-ending abbr.
And other people: 2 wds.
List-ending abbr.
''Plus unnamed others''
Abbreviation ending a shortened list (2 wds.)
List-shortening abbr.
List-ending abbr.
And others (Lat.)
List-ending abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Bibliography abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation: 2 wds.
And others: Abbr.
Latin list ender
Footnote abbr.
And others: Abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
Footnote abbr.
Name-list shortener
And others, in brief
List abbr.
Bibliography abbr.
List abbr.
List-shortening abbr.
Short space saver
And other folks: 2 wds.
List-ending abbr.
Series finale abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Series-ending abbr.
Bibliographer’s abbr.
List shortener
List-shortening abbreviation
And others: Abbr.
List abbr.
Series shortener
List-shortening abbr.
And others, in a list
List curtailer
And others: Abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Common Latin abbr.
List ender
"And others," in a list (2 wds.)
List-ending abbr.
List-ending abbreviation in a bibliography (2 wds.)
And other people: 2 wds.
“...and the list goes on”
Latin list lopper, in brief
"And others," in footnotes (2 wds.)
And others: Abbr.
List ender
Reference list abbr.
List-ending abbr.
And others: Abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Card catalog abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation
Latin phrase, and others (2 wds)
Abbr. at the end of a list
List-shortening abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation
Library catalog abbr.
Series-ending abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Bibliography abbr.
Abbreviated Latin phrase
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
And others: Abbr.
And others: Abbr.
And others, for short
Latin list ender (abbr.)
Shorthand for unlisted items
“I could list more people, but I won’t”
Bibliographer’s space saver
Bibliography abbr.
Bibliography list ender
List shortener
And others: Abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Rest-of-the-team stand-in
Bibliography abbr.
And others: Abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Abbreviation in an abbreviated list (2 wds.)
And all the rest, in brief
And others (Lat.)
List-ending abbr.
And others, in Lat.
Roster ender
And others (Abbr.)
Iron or copper: m___
Series finale: Abbr.
Abbr. at the end of a list
Bibliography abbr.
Series finale
Bibliography abbr.
Bibliography notation
Latin list ender (abbr.)
Lat. shortener
Itemization conclusion
And the rest (abbr.)
Catalog card abbr.
And others: Abbr.
"And others," in a list (2 wds.)
List-shortening shortened phrase (2 wds.)
Abbreviation signifying "and others" in a bibliography (2 wds.)
Abbreviation that ends many bibliography lists (2 wds.)
Common Latin abbr.
List shortener, for short
And others: Abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Bibliography notation
List ender
Footnote notation
Footnote notation
And others: Abbr.
Footnote abbr.
Bibliography abbr.
And others, for short
And others: Abbr.
Abbr. after the third co-author, perhaps
And others: Abbr.
Abbreviation in an abbreviated list (2 wds.)
And others, for short
Iron or copper: m___
Substitute for the unnamed
And others: Abbr.
Too many to name, for short
And others: Abbr.
Series shortener
"And others," in a list (2 wds.)
Shortened Latin list-shortener in a bibliography (2 wds.)
Latin list ender (abbr.)
Substitute for some names
"And others," in a footnote: 2 wds., abbr.
And others: Abbr.
And others, in a list
''There are more . . .''
Famous last words?
Card catalog abbr.
Abbreviation at the end of a list of people: 2 wds.
Card catalog abbr.
Abbr. covering unlisted items
And others (Lat.)
And others: Abbr.
Footnote notation
Substitute for the unnamed
Abbreviated Latin phrase
End-of-list abbr.
And others, in a bibliography
And others: Abbr.
Bibliographic abbr.
Card catalog abbr.
List-shortening abbreviation
Latin catchall abbr.
Series-ending abbr.
Latin end of a series (2 wds)
And others, in a bibliography
"And others," in a bibliography (2 wds.)
Footnote notation
"And others," in a list (2 wds.)
Abbr. at the end of a list
Abbr. used when citing a study
Abbreviation in an abbreviated list (2 wds.)
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
Latin list ender
Abbr. at the end of a list
Stand-in for the unnamed
Abbr. in a citation
List-ending abbr.
And people who didn't make the list: Abbr.
List-shortening abbr.
Catalog card abbr.
Common Latin abbr.
''And others'' abbreviation
List-ending abbreviation
And more, unnamed people: 2 wds.
And others (Lat.)
Bibliography abbreviation (2 wds.)
Roster ender
Iron or copper: m___
Replacement for some omissions
And the rest, briefly
Abbr. seen in some citations
Latin list ender (abbr.)
And others: Abbr.
Including an unlisted number?
And others, for short
And others, for short
And all the rest: 2 wds., abbr.
And others (Lat.)
Abbr. that shortens a list
Latin phrase indicating other contributors (2 wds.)
And other people: 2 wds., abbr.
List-ending abbr.
Latin abbreviation in a bibliography (2 wds.)
List abbr.
Latin catchall abbr.
Abbr. meaning "and others"
Latin abbreviation in an author list (2 wds.)
And other people: 2 wds., abbr.
"And others," in citations (Abbr.)
Abbr. for shortening a list
List-ending abbreviation
List ender: Abbr.
What makes the short list?
List-ending abbreviation (2 wds.)
And others: Abbr.
And others: Abbr.
And others (Abbr.)
List-shortening abbreviation (2 wds.)
Latin abbreviation in a bibliography (2 wds.)
"And others," in a list (2 wds.)
List-ending wds.
List abbr.
Bibliographic list abbr.
And other people, too: 2 wds., abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Abbreviation in a bibliography
And others, in a bibliography: 2 wds., abbr.
And others (Abbr.)
Abbr. on a "works cited" list
And others, for short
List shortening Latin words
Latin abbreviation in a bibliography (2 wds.)
Citation shortener
Catalog card abbr.
Roster abbr.
Roster closer, briefly
And other people: 2 wds., abbr.
And so on
List shortener: Abbr.
And others, for short
Roster ender
And others: Abbr.
And more authors: Abbr.
Citation abbr.
List-ending wds.
Latin abbreviation in a bibliography (2 wds.)
Among others
Abbr. at the end of a list
Footnote abbr.
Citation abbr.
And others: Abbr.
Series-ending abbr.
Series finale?
Citation abbreviation
Listmaker's abbr.
Substitute for unmentioned people
"And others," in bibliographies: 2 wds., abbr.
"... and others too," more officially
List-ending abbr.
"And others," in a list (2 wds.)
Latin end of a series (2 wds)
Catalog card abbr.
And others: Abbr.
And all the rest: 2 wds., abbr.
Catchall abbr.
Library catalog abbr.
And others (Abbr.)