Word: EPIC

The word EPIC has appeared in at least 613 clues on different crosswords.

Kind of proportions
Big picture
Grand-scale tale
Grand-scale production
Many a DeMille film
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
"Iliad," e.g.
Sweeping story
Grandiose tale
Long poem
Big film
Movie telling a story on a vast scale
Long, heroic story
Hero's tale
Like a grand-scale fail
Sweeping story
"Aeneid" or "Iliad"
"The Iliad," for example
Grand-scale poem
Long tale of heroism
"Beowulf," for one
DeMille forte
Sweeping drama
Huge in scope
"Ben-Hur" or "Troy"
Kind of proportions
Sweeping story
DeMille opus
Grand tale
Heroic story
Sweeping story
Many a Heston movie
Hero's story
Kind of proportions
Kind of proportions
On a grand scale
Heroic saga
Sword-and-sandal feature, e.g.
"Noah," e.g.
Long poetic tale
___ fail (big screwup)
Like a three-hour movie, perhaps
Long poem
Sweeping saga
Totally awesome
Heroic saga
Work by Homer, maybe
Long story about grand events
Grand tale
Totally awesome
Many a Michener novel
"Gladiator" or "Ben-Hur"
Latter-day ''Impressive!''
Grand-scale tale or grand-scale fail
___ fail (disaster)
Grand-scale production
Big, sweeping story
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
"Beowulf," e.g.
Grand film
Long story
Like many high-budget films
"Star Wars" series, e.g.
Grand-scale movie
Typical DeMille movie
Long miniseries, e.g.
Legendary tale
"Beowulf," poem-wise
Any "Star Wars" movie
Southey's "The Curse of Kehama"
On a grand scale
Way awesome
Particularly impressive
Grand-scale tale
Huge-scale, like a movie
Heroic tale
Long, grand story
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
Heroic tale
The story of Gilgamesh, e.g.
DeMille production
Tale on a grand scale
Grand tale
Expensive film production
___ fail
Sweeping work
Long tale of adventure
Cast-of-thousands movie
Long heroic tale
Grand film
Long poem
Larger than life
Iliad or Ben Hur
Insanely great
Impressively great
"The Ten Commandments" or "Ben-Hur"
DeMille product
Sagalike story
Homeric tale
Colossal, as a film
Grand-scale tale
Sweeping story
Of grand proportions
Bigger than big
Way impressive
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
Majestic work
Any "Star Wars" movie
Typical DeMille opus
Adventure tale
Big film
Long poem
Heroic saga
Long tale
Big-scale movie
Film with many extras
Not just big
Overused adjective, these days
"Beowulf," for one
Legendary tale
Long narrative poem
___ Games, company behind Fortnite
Word before fail or poem
Many a miniseries
___ fail (mistake of monumental proportions)
Word before "proportions"
Monumental story
Kin of an 8-Across
Heroic story
Grand in scope
Grander than grand
Substantial in scope, as a film
Faith No More smash
"Beowulf," e.g.
Long heroic poem
Way impressive
"Lawrence of Arabia," e.g.
Long story
Grand tale
Long tale
Sweeping story
Grand-scale tale
Much-longer-than-usual film
Sweeping, like some movies
DeMille opus
Film that might cover many decades
Long poem of heroism
Sweeping film
Sweeping tale
Big-budget film
Grand scale film
Sweeping account
“Totes awesome, dude!”
Grand-scale story
Adventure tale
Majestic story
"The Lord of the Rings," for one
Heroic poem
Bigger than big
Heroic verse
Legendary story
Long narrative poem
Sweeping tale
Great in scope
Adventure tale
Heroic verse
Multigenerational story
Majestic story
Grand-scale film
Heroic verse
"Beowulf" , e.g.
Long, grand novel
Sweeping story
Sweeping drama
Bigger than big
Huge, like a big-budget film
Monumental story
Three-hour film, quite possibly
"Paradise Lost," e.g.
Movie spectacular
Heroic tale
Heroic story
Story of heroes
Monumental tale
Sweeping story
Long story
Long, narrative poem
Like some proportions
Grand-scale film
Like some proportions
Sweeping story
On a grand scale
Larger than life
Legendary story
Long tale
Account of bravery
___ fail (major flop)
Like many high-budget films
Large-scale tale
Awe-inspiringly magnificent
Big movie
Long heroic tale
Grand film
Hero's tale
Long poetic tale
Grand-scale movie
For the ages
Really awesome
Really awesome
Truly massive in scale
Particularly impressive
Long poem
Long narrative
Homeric saga
Film on a grand scale
Grand-scale film
Grand story
Heroic poem
Movie that's grand in scope
Grander than grand
Grandiose film
Grand-scale tale
Movie about war heroes, say
Grand, as a film
Heroic saga
Grand film
Grand-scale tale
Long poem
Long story
Word before tale or fail
Kurosawa's "Ran," for one
Long saga
For the ages
Large record label whose name means "very impressive"
It's a long story!
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
"Iliad," for one
Majestic story
Heroic narrative
Grand film
Grand opus
See 45-Down
Long, heroic story
Long heroic tale
"Beowulf," for one
Completely amazing, in slang
Heroic story
Grand-scale story
Homeric tale
"The Iliad," for example
Magnificent in scope
Sweeping drama
Long poem
DeMille opus
Heroic tale
"Beowulf" or "The Iliad," for example
Greater than great
Awesome and then some
Monumental tale
Typical DeMille opus
On a grand scale
Long heroic poem
Long tale
Long, grand story
Beyond awesome
Grand film
Movie with a cast of thousands
Imposing story
Way cool
Grand tale
Long story
Long story
Work by Homer, for one
Grand film
Hero's tale
Long story
___ fail (big screwup)
Grandiose movie
''Super cool!''
Grand film
"Beowulf," e.g.
Grand in scale
Long, heroic story
Adventure tale
The "Iliad" or the "Odyssey"
"Doctor Zhivago," e.g.
Grand-scale production
Grand-scale tale
"Beowulf," e.g.
Southey's "The Curse of Kehama"
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
With 20-Across, Homer's medium
"Iliad," e.g.
Grandiose tale
Big and grand, in filmmaking
Imposing work
__ fail: unexpected disaster
Long story about grand adventures
Big film
Hero's tale
Larger-than-life story
Long poem
Huger than huge
Vast in scale
___ fail (big blunder)
Large-scale tale
Totally rad, in modern lingo
DeMille forte
"The Iliad," for example
Like many high-budget films
DeMille opus
___ fail (cringeworthy screwup)
Long tale of heroism
Hero's story
Sweeping drama
Grand-scale story
Long poetic tale
Long poem
Like many high-budget films
Sweeping saga
Of grand proportions, like a big-budget movie
Work by Homer, maybe
More than magnificent
Grand-scale tale
Heroic tale
Like a grand-scale tale or a grand-scale fail
Lengthy, heroic story
Grand film
Really cool
Derek Walcott's "Omeros," for one
Long story
Heroic in scale
Record label for Tammy Wynette and Gloria Estefan
Grand-scale movie
Legendary tale
Impressive in scope
Grand-scale tale
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
Long, grand story
The "Mahabharata" or the "Ramayana"
"Lawrence of Arabia," for one
Long tale of adventure
Grand film
Long poem
DeMille product
Homeric tale
Grand-scale tale
More than outstanding
The "Odyssey," for one
Long heroic tale
Grand in scale
Sagalike story
Many a Tolstoy novel
Bigger than big
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
___ Games, maker of Fortnite
Colossal, as a film
''Beowulf,'' notably
Monumental story
Of grand proportions
Typical DeMille opus
Adventure tale
"Awesome, dude!"
Long poem
Long tale
Monumental tale
Big film
Legendary tale
Impressively great
Many a miniseries
Long narrative poem
Monumental story
Cool to the max
Grand-scale movie
Long heroic tale
Kin of an 8-Across
"Beowulf," e.g.
Big-budget film like "Lawrence of Arabia," e.g.
Long heroic poem
To be remembered for all time
Story such as the Ramayana
Monumental tale
Long story
"Lawrence of Arabia," e.g.
Like many high-budget films
On a grand scale
Word with poetry or proportions
Long tale
DeMille opus
Sweeping film
"Game of Thrones," e.g.
Grander than grand
___ Games, company behind Fortnite
Long poem of heroism
Adventure tale
Sweeping account
Really outstanding
___ fail (major oopsie)
Homer's "Odyssey," for one
Heroic poem
Legendary story
Isabel Wilkerson's "The Warmth of Other Suns: The ___ Story of America's Great Migration"
Adventure tale
Grand in scale
Large-scale story
Grand-scale film
"1917," e.g.
Long, grand novel
Bigger than big
On an ___ scale (monumentally)
Sweeping drama
Movie spectacular
Adventure story told in a film trilogy, for example
Heroic tale
Heroic story
Grand in scale
On a grand scale, in filmmaking
The "Odyssey" is one
___ fail (embarrassing screwup)
Magnificent in scope
Legendary story
Really, really cool, in modern slang
Grand-scale film
Big-budget film like "The Lord of the Rings," e.g.
Account of bravery
*Instagram post, briefly
Hero's tale
Long poetic tale
Big movie
Big-budget series like "Game of Thrones," e.g.
It's a long story
Grand film
"Beowulf," for one
Many a miniseries
Adventure movie that might be over three hours long
Massive in scope
Homeric saga
Long poem
Long narrative
Film on a grand scale
"The ___ of Gilgamesh"
Large-scale story
"The Iliad" or "The Divine Comedy," for example
Grand-scale film
With 12-Across, work such as "The Mahabharata"
Grand story
Big, sweeping story
Grandiose film
___ fail
Grand-scale film
Grand film
Grand-scale tale
Grand, as a film
___ fail (huge flop)
Long heroic tale
Grand-scale tale
Heroic, like a saga
Really cool
Long poem
De Mille film genre
Long story
Massive in scale
Long saga
Grand story
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
It's a long story!
Vast in scale
Grand film
___ fail (cringeworthy screwup)
Grand opus
Big story
Of ___ proportions
See 45-Down
Heroic story
Homeric tale
Movie about war heroes, say
Big film
Long, magnificent story
Sweeping story
"The Iliad," for example
Movie that's grand in scope, such as "Gladiator"
2103 animated film featuring the voice of Amanda Seyfried
Sweeping drama
Beyond great
Long poem
___ fail
Typical DeMille opus
Movie with a cast of thousands, perhaps
On a grand scale
Long heroic poem
Long tale
Grand film
Large-scale story
Long, grand story
Grand tale
Grand-scale tale
Grandiose story
"Titanic" or "Gladiator," for example
Long story
Big-budget space opera, e.g.
Noyes's "Drake" is one
Grand film
Hero's tale
Long story
Story that might span generations
Long story
Grand film
"Beowulf," e.g.
Adventure tale
Video game publisher known for Fortnite and Gears of War
___ fail (embarrassing flop)
"Doctor Zhivago," e.g.
Saga full of grandeur
Grand in scale
Grand-scale tale
Massive in scope
"Ben-Hur," e.g.
"Iliad," e.g.
"Awesome, dude!"
Grandiose tale
Grand saga
Bigger than big
"Totally wicked!"
Big film
Hero's tale
Big-budget series like "House of the Dragon," e.g.
Long poem
Sprawling film drama
DeMille forte
Text such as the Kebra Nagast
Heroic saga
"Beowulf" , e.g.
Heroic verse
Historical ___ (movie like "Spartacus")