Word: EMS

The word EMS has appeared in at least 381 clues on different crosswords.

Germany's Dortmund-___ Canal
Print units
German river
Mickey Mouse's caps
River to the North Sea
German resort
Inverted W's
911 letters?
Dorothy's aunt and namesakes
Trio of mummies
Two Bond bosses?
Print units
Timmy's two
Rescue squad initials
Ambulance letters
Dum-Dum's twins?
Printer's units
German spa
Type measures
Ambulance letters
Timmy's twins?
Some dash lengths
Common centers
German river
Responders with defib units
Germany's Dortmund-___ Canal
Type measures
Printing measures
Germany's Dortmund-___ Canal
Printers' measures
River to the North Sea
Ambulance initials
Printer's measures
German resort
Letters on an ambulance
Type measures
Type measures
German river
Leading characters in "Mad Max"
Letters between els and ens
Summer get-together?
German river
Type measures
Long dashes
Chummy pair?
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Print units
River to the North Sea
Print measures
After jays, kays, and els
Medical emergency teams, abbr.
Type measures
Traveling docs: abbr.
Type size squares
German river
German spa
"Mamma Mia!" has four
Typesetter's measures
They can be seen in the middle of summer
Print measures
Fat letters
Mum ends
River in Germany
Common centers
Type measures
Double ens
Type measures
North Sea feeder
Ambulance initials
Print measures
Printers' measures
Typesetting widths
Rescue squad
Double ens
Printers' measures
Millennium beginning and ending
Common centers
First responders' letters
911 response org.
911 responder (abbr.)
911 response letters
Typographer's concern
Printer's concerns
Common centers
Bad ___ (German spa)
Printer's measures
Medical emergency team, abbr.
Fat letters
Type widths
Grp. that dispatches ambulances
Type measures
Typography units
Quartet in "A Midsummer-Night's Dream"
911 responders (abbr.)
Yummy pair
River forming part of the Germany-Netherlands boundary
Print measures
Med. staff with a "Star of Life" logo
German resort
Type measures
Ambulance initials
First responder's group, for short
Type measures
Rescue squad initials
Double ens
Ambulance driver is part of this group, for short
Print units
911 responders, for short
Hesitant expressions
Printer's concerns
Mushroom ends?
Medical emergency teams, abbr.
Type measures
Middle of the alphabet letters
''Chummy'' couple
Middle of summer?
Old printing units
Common centers?
Medical emergency teams, abbr.
Print measures
Rescue squad, for short
Tommy has a couple
German spa
There are two in mathematics
North Sea feeder
River to the North Sea
Printing measures
Letters on many ambulances
Printer's concerns
German spa
Type squares
Minimum trio
What "mammoth" has three of
Dorothy's aunt et al.
German spa
Shimmery pair
Printer's concerns
Type widths
North Sea feeder
Emma's twins?
Type measures
German resort
German spa
Common center?
Ambulance letters
German spa
German spa
Main menu openers
Ambulance initials
Type widths
Printer's concerns
Printer's measures
Type widths
Common centers
Ambulance initials
Type measures
Print measures
Ambulance initials
Type measures
Some dashes
Printer's measures
Letters on an ambulance
Type measures
Common centers?
Option for a 911 dispatcher
Printers' widths
First-responder letters
"Mamma Mia!" foursome
Letters after ells
Print measures
Printing measures
Printer's concerns
Type measures
Dorothy's aunt et al.
911 respondent, briefly
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Ambulance gp.
Type measures
Grimm ending?
German spa
Printers' measures
Printer's measures
Printers' measures
Printer's measures
German spa
Printer's measures
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Printer's concerns
Printing measures
German spa
Type measures
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Scrabble three-pointers
Type widths
Double ens
Grp. of CPR experts
Ambulance letters
Common core
Chummy pair?
Double ens
Mushroom ends?
German spa
Medical emergency teams, abbr.
Type measures
Type widths
Printer’s measures
Print measures
911 responders (abbr.)
Printing measures
Couple in common?
Typesetting widths
Printer's concerns
Type widths
Mummies' three
Printer's concerns
Middle of summer?
German spa
River to the North Sea
Printing measures
Type measures
German spa
CPR group
Print measures
Type-setter's concern
Printing points
Ambulance initials
Type measures
Ambulance letters
Common centers
River to the North Sea
"A Midsummer Night's Dream" quartet
Mammal's head and heart?
Type widths
Printers' measures
Ambulance initials
Pair of Grammys?
Printer's measures
Mummies' three
They can be seen in the middle of summer
Pair of madmen?
Type measures
Type measures
Dash lengths
Precious stones: g___
Type measures
Maximum borders?
Old printing units
First responder's group, for short
Dorothy's aunt et al.
North Sea feeder
Type measures
Traveling docs: abbr.
Printers' widths
There are three in mammoth
Print measures
German river
Mum ends
Common centers
Type measures
Double ens
Ambulance letters
Type measures
Grp. that dispatches ambulances
Printers' measures
Double ens
Printers' measures
Common centers
Grp. mobilized by a 911 call
Printer's concerns
Common centers
Printer's measures
Type measures
Ambulance initials: Abbr.
Yummy pair
Print measures
Rescue squad, for short
Type measures
Letters between els and ens
Type measures
Double ens
911 response grp.
River to the North Sea
German spa
Printer's concerns
Type-setter's concern
Germany's Dortmund-___ Canal
Mushroom ends?
Type measures
Shimmery center
Middle of summer?
Common centers?
Print measures
German spa
Printing measures
Printer's concerns
"Mom" has two
German spa
Long dash lengths
Type widths
Dorothy's aunt et al.
German spa
Shimmery pair
Printer's concerns
River to the North Sea
First responder's group, for short
Emma's twins?
Type measures
Museum wings?
Quartet in "A Midsummer-Night's Dream"
Common center?
German spa
Pair of roommates?
Printer's concerns
Printer's measures
Common centers
Type measures
Middle of summer?
Type measures
Some dashes
Printer's measures
Ambulance letters
Type measures
Common centers?
Lifesaving inits.
German spa
Millennium, at the beginning and end?
Print measures
Printing measures
Printer's concerns
Type measures
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Medical emergency team, abbr.
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Type measures
Quartet in "A Midsummer-Night's Dream"
River forming part of the Germany-Netherlands boundary
Grimm ending?
German spa
Printers' measures
Printer's measures
Medical emergency teams, abbr.
Printers' measures
German resort
Printer's measures
German spa
Printer's measures
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Printer's concerns
Printing measures
German spa
Type measures
Dorothy's aunt et al.
Myanmar has two of them
Double ens
Ambulance letters
Chummy pair?
Fat letters
Double ens
Middle of summer?
German spa
Type measures
Print measures
Printing measures
Couple in common?
Printer's concerns
German river
What makes clay clammy?
Printer's concerns
German spa
Printing measures
German spa
Print measures
Scrabble three-pointers
Ambulance driver is part of this group, for short
Typesetter's measures
Type measures
Ambulance letters
Common centers
After jays, kays, and els
Middle of the alphabet letters