The word EIDER has appeared in at least 91 clues on different crosswords.

Sea duck
Downy duck
Down-yielding duck
Duck source of feathers
Prized duck
Duck down?
Duck down
Large duck
Sea duck
Creature to get down from
Duck down
Duck down
Feathery pillow filling
Bird that gets you down
Stuffing for quilts
Downy duck
Pillow stuffing
Duck with soft feathers
Down by the pond?
You might get down from it
Downy bird
Pillow filler
Large sea duck
Sea duck
Comforter filling
Relative of a goldeneye
You can get down from one
Down source
Pillow filler
Diving duck
Where to get down
Pillow fill
Large duck
You can get down from it
Downy duck
It might get one down
Downy duck
Spectacled ___: northern seabird
Downy bird
Spectacled ___: northern seabird
Down for a pillow
Pond denizen
What can get you down?
You can get down from one
Pillow filler
It might get one down
Pillow filler, perhaps
Pillow filler, perhaps
Pillow stuffing
Sea duck
Down-yielding duck
Downy duck
Duck source of pillow feathers
Duck feathers used in pillows
Large duck
Pillow filler
Downy duck
Kind of down
Duck with soft down
Duck with the downside outside
Pillow filler
Comforter filling
Soft duck feathers
Pillow filler
Downy bird
Large sea duck
Sea duck
Duvet filling
Pillow filler, perhaps
Duck with soft down
Pillow stuffing
Down source
Diving duck
Sea duck
Pillow fill
It might get one down
Large duck
Downy duck
Sea duck
Duck with valuable down
Bird that gets you down
Pond denizen
Duck variety
Down by the pond?
Downy duck
Sea duck
Downy duck
Down for a pillow, sometimes
Relative of a goldeneye