Word: EEG

The word EEG has appeared in at least 85 clues on different crosswords.

Alpha rhythm readout, in brief
Brain scan letters
Brain scan, for short
Lines of thought?: Abbr.
ER readout
Head lines, for short
MD's brain test
Brain scan letters
Neurologist's test, briefly
Neurologist's printout, briefly
Brain scan, for short
Hosp. readout
ICU readout
Brain scan, for short
Brain-wave test, for short
Diagnostic test for epilepsy, for short
Brain scan: Abbr.
Brain wave chart, for short
Brain-scan letters
Brain test, for short
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan inits.
I.C.U. test, maybe
Brain scan, for short
Test to measure brain's electrical activity (abbr.)
Brain scan, for short
Neurology test: Abbr.
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan letters
Brain wave chart, for short
Brain test, in brief
Brain test, briefly
Brain scan, for short
Brain test, briefly
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Test to measure brain's electrical activity (abbr.)
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan: Abbr.
Brain test, briefly
Test to measure brain's electrical activity (abbr.)
Brain scan, for short
Brain activity readout: Abbr.
MD's brain test
Brain reading, for short
Brain scan, for short
Meas. of brain activity
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, briefly
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Test to measure brain's electrical activity (abbr.)
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan letters
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Brain-wave test, for short
Brain-waves test at a hospital: Abbr.
Brain wave readout: Abbr.
Brain scan, for short
Neurology test
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, for short
Test to measure brain's electrical activity (abbr.)
Brain scan letters
Brain scan, for short
Headlines, for short?
Brain scan, briefly
Brain scan, for short
Test to measure brain's electrical activity (abbr.)
Brain scan, for short
Test to measure brain's electrical activity (abbr.)
Brain scan, for short
Brain test, briefly
Brain scan, for short
Brain test, briefly
Epileptologist's test, for short
Brain scan, for short
Brain scan, briefly
Brain scan, briefly
Brain test, briefly