Word: DTS

The word DTS has appeared in at least 90 clues on different crosswords.

Tippler's trouble
Rehab affliction, for short
Drunkard's affliction: Abbr.
Rehab shakes, briefly
Rehab woe
Jimjams, briefly
The shakes, for short
Rehab woes, for short
Rehab symptom, for short
Skid row woe
Affliction where you see "pink elephants": Abbr.
Chronic drinker's ailment, informally
Sot's problem
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
QB sack makers
Sot's problem
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
The shakes, briefly
Sot's problem
Drying-out woe, for short
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
The shakes, colloquially
Jimjams, briefly
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
Rehab symptoms, briefly
Drying-out hurdle
Jimjams, briefly
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Rehab hurdle
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Rehab symptoms, for short
Sot's problem
Jimjams, briefly
Jimjams, briefly
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Sot's woe
Drying-out woe, for short
Jimjams, briefly
RB stoppers
Sot's symptoms, for short
Drying-out woe, for short
Drying-out woe, for short
Rehab woe, for short
Alcoholic aftermath (Abbr.)
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Alcoholic's affliction, briefly
Some NFL linemen
Some N.F.L. linemen: Abbr.
Rehab symptoms, briefly
Sot's symptoms, for short
Sot's affliction
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Alcoholic aftermath (Abbr.)
Drying-out woe, for short
Sot's symptoms, for short
Sot's symptoms, for short
Alcoholic aftermath (Abbr.)
Jimjams, briefly
Delirium Tremens (abbr)
Sot's symptoms, for short
Sot's symptoms, for short
Jimjams, briefly
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
Drying-out woe, for short
Sot's symptoms, for short
Sot's problem
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol (abbr)
Alcoholic aftermath (Abbr.)
Alcoholic's rehab affliction: Abbr.
Sot's symptoms, for short
Alcoholic aftermath (Abbr.)
Sot's symptoms, for short
Jimjams, briefly
Alcoholic aftermath (Abbr.)
Some N.F.L. linemen, in brief
Drying-out woe, for short
Jimjams, briefly