Word: DOVE

The word DOVE has appeared in at least 119 clues on different crosswords.

Peace symbol
Bird of peace
Bird that symbolizes peace
Hawk's opposite
Did a bellyflop, e.g.
TV's "Lonesome ____"
Pigeon's relative
Symbolic representation of the Holy Ghost
Jackknifed into the pool, say
Symbol of peace
Peace symbol
Huey Lewis "Change a hawk to a little white ___"
Hawk's foe
Pigeon's cousin
Peace symbol
Pigeon's cousin
Personal care brand with a bird in its logo
Swooped down
Hawk's opposite
Hawk's opponent
Bird of peace
Bird of peace
Peace bird
Bird of peace
Sprang into a swimming pool
Bird of peace
Magician's bird of choice
Gentle bird
Peace bird
Bird that's associated with peace
Small pigeon
Peace symbol
Cooing bird
Rita who was the second African-American to receive the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
Went off the deep end, perhaps
Soap brand with a bird logo
Magician's bird of choice
Performed a jackknife
"Lonesome ___" (Larry McMurtry novel)
Peace bird
Flier for a magic show
Magician's bird of choice
Dropped precipitously
Soap brand with a bird logo
Bird of peace
Peace bird
Bird of peace
White bird
Cooing bird
Small pigeon
Peace sign
Symbol of peace
Cooing bird
Went headfirst into the water
Bird that symbolizes peace
Hawk's opposite
TV's "Lonesome ____"
Avian symbol of peace
Bird of peace
Pigeon's relative
Magician's bird of choice
Magician's bird of choice
Symbol of peace
Hawk's foe
Swooped down
Pigeon's cousin
Peace symbol
Pigeon's cousin
Winged symbol of peace
Magician's bird of choice
Brand of chocolate and soap
Hawk's opponent
Bird that symbolizes peace
Didn't just tiptoe into the water
Bird of peace
Peace bird
Bird of peace
Bird that might be white
"Lonesome ___" (Larry McMurtry novel made into a miniseries starring Robert Duvall)
Ice cream bar brand named for a bird
Huey Lewis "Change a hawk to a little white ___"
Gentle bird
Former Poet Laureate Rita
Used a pool's starting block, maybe
Competed like Tom Daley
Peace symbol
Bird that's a symbol of peace
Hawk's opposite
Magician's bird
Performed a jackknife
Hawk's opposite
Peace symbol
Peace bird
Huey Lewis "Change a hawk to a little white ___"
White bird sent from the ark by Noah
Bird of peace
Bird of peace
Peace sign
Went lower, as a submarine
Peace bird
Bird of peace
Bird associated with antiwar people
Cooing bird
Bird in a magic act
Symbol of peace
Cooing bird
Brand of soap whose name is a bird
Bird of peace
Bird that symbolizes peace
Bird symbolizing peace
Pigeon's relative