Word: DIME

The word DIME has appeared in at least 121 clues on different crosswords.

Small change
Thin mint product
Small change
U.S. ten-cent piece
Coin with F.D.R.'s image
Small coin
Thinnest American coin
Silvery coin
Phone call cost, once
Coin featuring 7 Down
Kind of store
Legal tender with an 8-Down
FDR coin
A ___ a dozen (very common)
Ten-cent piece
Exemplar of thinness
Cost of a dozen?
Coin depicting FDR
It ain't worth a nickel
FDR's coin
Thin coin
Drop a ___ on (rat out)
Small change
More than a quarter of a quarter
Thin coin
Old phone booth user's need
A ____ a dozen
Thin coin
Small change
A ____ a dozen
Ten-cent piece
Bearer of FDR’s profile
Thin coin
Thin change
FDR's coin
Thinnest coin
Small coin
It's worth two nickels
Ten-cent piece
Coin with grooved edges
Coin with Franklin Roosevelt's face on it
Former pay-phone cost
Ten-cent coin
Former pay-phone cost
Coin that's smaller than a penny but worth 10 times as much
A ____ a dozen
Thin coin
Small change?
Thin coin
Thin, silvery coin
Coin that's smaller than a penny even though it's worth more
Stopping point?
Thin coin
10¢ piece
Thin coin
Thinnest American coin
Thin coin
FDR's coin
U.S. ten-cent piece
Small coin
Coin depicting a torch
Coin worth two nickels
Thin coin
Thin coin
Two-fifths of one quarter
FDR coin
Ten-cent coin
Ten-cent piece
Thin coin
10¢ coin
Cost of a dozen?
FDR's coin
Former pay-phone cost
Coin featuring Franklin Roosevelt's profile
Stopping place?
Small change
Tenth of a dollar
Tenth of a dollar
A ____ a dozen
Thin coin
Small change
A ____ a dozen
Small change
Ten-cent coin
It's worth two nickels
___-store novel
Coin worth two nickels
Coin smaller than a penny
FDR's coin
U.S. ten-cent piece
Thinnest US coin
Small coin
Stopping place?
Ten-cent coin
Ten-cent coin
Coin worth ten pennies
Two-fifths of a quarter
Former pay-phone cost
Former pay-phone cost
Coin bearing the face of US president Franklin Roosevelt
Coin whose edge has 118 ridges
A ____ a dozen
Roosevelt coin
Thin coin
10-cent coin
Thin, silvery coin
Former pay-phone cost
Thin coin
Thin coin
Coin worth ten pennies
FDR's coin
Smallest coin?
Ten-cent coin
Ten-cent coin
Thinnest U.S. coin
U.S. ten-cent piece
Small coin
FDR coin
Thin coin