Word: DEB

The word DEB has appeared in at least 173 clues on different crosswords.

Society newcomer
Society miss
Newcomer to society
Society honoree
Newcomer to society
Society page newbie
Gala newcomer, briefly
Cotillion V.I.P.
New society miss
Society newbie
Society girl
Rookie socialite, for short
Society newbie
Term from the French for a newbie
Society girl
Girl entering society, in brief
Society newbie
Center of a ball?
Cotillion participant, for short
Young society woman
Society miss
Cotillion girl
One coming out
Newcomer to society
Ball girl?
Society girl
Coming-out girl
One who's coming out
Society newcomer, familiarly
Ball newcomer, for short
Coming-out gal
Social neophyte
Society newbie
Society miss
Society gal
Cotillion attendee (abbr.)
Society belle
Newcomer to society
Cotillion celeb
Socialite, for short
Young society entrant
Belle at the ball
Society lass
Society miss
Cotillion V.I.P.
Society entrant
Society lass
Society rookie
Smittenkitchen.com chef Perelman
New entrant into society
Society newcomer, briefly
Society entrant
Society girl
Newcomer to society
Society entrant
Society girl
Society girl
Society entrant
Social neophyte
Cotillion V.I.P.
Young socialite
High-society newcomer, for short
Cotillion girl
New socialite
Newcomer to society
Society girl
Social neophyte
Nebraska senator Fischer
Society entrant
Senator Fischer of Nebraska
Society miss
Young socialite, for short
Society girl
Rookie socialite
"Finding Nemo" damselfish who thinks her reflection is her sister
Cotillion V.I.P.
Brand-new socialite
Newcomer to society
Society newcomer
Young society woman
Cotillion girl
Social neophyte
Society entrant
Coming-out girl
Nebraska senator Fischer
Society girl
Nebraska senator Fischer
Newcomer to society
Woman's name that's a piece of furniture backward
Smitten Kitchen cookbook writer/blogger Perelman
Society miss
Newcomer to society
Belle of a ball
Newcomer to society
"Smitten Kitchen Every Day" cookbook writer Perelman
Ball star
Society girl
Receiving-line figure
Cotillion honoree
Young society woman
Society miss
Ball belle
Smitten Kitchen cookbook writer/blogger Perelman
Newcomer to society
Society girl
Coming-out girl
Young socialite
Coming-out gal
Society newbie
Social neophyte
Society newcomer
Young socialite
Society miss
Society gal
Society belle
Newcomer to society
Ball belle
Young society entrant
One who's coming out
Society newcomer, familiarly
Senator Fischer of Nebraska
Society lass
Haaland who became secretary of the interior in 2021
Society gal
Society miss
Society entrant
Society newcomer, familiarly
Type of socialite officially discontinued in the U.K. in 1958
Society entrant
Newcomer to society
Society entrant
Society entrant
Social neophyte
Secretary of the Interior Haaland
New socialite
Newcomer to society
Receiving-line figure
Social neophyte
Society newcomer, briefly
Society girl
Society newcomer, briefly
Society entrant
"Smitten Kitchen Every Day" cookbook writer Perelman
Society miss
Society girl
Girl at a ball, in brief
Rookie socialite
Senator Fischer of Nebraska
Newcomer to society
Girl who's coming out, for short
Young society woman
Belle of the ball, briefly
Social neophyte
One to throw a ball for
Society entrant
Interior secretary Haaland
Coming-out girl
Cotillion attendee (abbr.)
Secretary of the Interior Haaland
"Smitten Kitchen" cookbook writer/blogger Perelman
Society girl
___ ball (event in "The Summer I Turned Pretty")
Newcomer to society
Society miss
Newcomer to society
Newcomer to society
Society girl
Society girl
Smitten Kitchen blogger Perelman
Coming-out girl