Word: COB

The word COB has appeared in at least 185 clues on different crosswords.

Center of an ear of corn
Corn core
Corn core
Kernels' placeend
Corn-kernel holder
It's corny
Corn on the ____
Corn residue
Cygnet's father
Cygnet's pop
Corn-kernel holder
Corn core
Corn core
24-Down center
Corn on the ___
Male swan
Cygnet's father
Corn core
Corn eater's throwaway
Picnic throwaway
Corn holder
Corn core
Corn on the __
What you stick a corn holder into
Corn on the ____
Ear piece?
Ear's center
Corn on the ___
Male swan
Corn core
Corn holder
Corn on the ___
Corn core
It's corny
Holder of corn kernels
Kernel holder
Cygnet's pop
What corn kernels are attached to
Pipe material
Short-legged horse
Gander : goose :: ___ : swan
Corn unit
Corn core
Corn discard
Corn holder
Corn throwaway
Corn part that gets thrown away
Cygnet's pop
Male swan
Corn on the ____
Corn core
Corn holder
Corn on the ___
Corn core
Corn on the ___
Corn on the ___
Organic pot scrubber
Corn unit
Ear’s center
Bit of picnic trash
Center of an ear
Corn discard
Corn core
Corn center
Corn core
Male swan
Core of an ear of corn
Corn unit
Corn leftover
Husk's contents
Corn discard
What you remove kernels from before preparing creamed corn
Corn-ear center
Corn unit
Corn leftover
Corn core
Corn on the ____
Kernel holder
Corn holder
Corn center
Corn on the ___
Corn-ear center
Corn center
Corn discard
Corn on the ____
Cygnet's father
Picnic throwaway
Corn holder
Corn residue
Cygnet's pop
Corn-kernel holder
Male swan
Corn on the ____
Rustic pipe material
Corn-kernel holder
Core of an ear of corn
Sea gull
Corn throwaway
Side-dish center
Male swan
Picnic throwaway
Corn holder
Corn holder
Corn core
Corn eater's discard
Corn on the ___
Corn on the ____
It's corny
Center piece at some dinners
Corn holder
Corn core
Corn discard
Great black-backed gull
Corn eater's throwaway
Cygnet's pop
Pipe material
Corn unit
Corn on the ___
Corn discard
Corn's center
See 14-Down
Corn on the ___
Corn kernel holder
Corn on the ___
Corn discard
Corn on the ___
Cygnet's pop
Inner ear?
Corn on the ____
Corn core
Corn on the ____
Corn discard
Corn holder
What corn kernels are attached to
Corn on the ___
Parent of a cygnet
Corn throwaway
Corn unit
Corn on the ___
Corn core
[[IMAGE]](Woody part of the maize)
Bit of picnic trash
Corn discard
Corn part used to make pipes
Uneaten part of an ear of corn
Corn kernel holder
Corn core
Corn center
Corn core
Corn eater's throwaway
Corn unit
Corn core
Core of an ear of corn
Corn leftover
Corn on the ___
Corn unit
Corn core
Corn on the ___
Corn leftover
Male swan
Corn on the ___
Corn on the ____
Corn holder
Corn holder
Male swan
Corn center
Discarded part of an ear of corn
Inner ear?
Corn on the ___
Corn center
Corn discard
Corn holder
Corn on the ____
Inner ear?
Picnic throwaway
What Frosty the Snowman's pipe was made from
Corn residue
Corn throwaway
Core of an ear of corn
Cygnet's pop
Corn-kernel holder
Center of an ear of corn