Word: CLOP

The word CLOP has appeared in at least 86 clues on different crosswords.

Clip-___ (sound of a hoofbeat)
Hoof-on-pavement sound
Bay sound
Clip-___ (sound of horse hoofs)
Hoof sound
Hoof sound
Hoof sound
Sound of a horse's hoof
Hoof sound
Gallop sound
Hoof-on-cobblestones sound
Sound of a walking horse
Hoofbeat sound
Sound heard by a coachman
Wooden shoe sound
Hoofbeat sound
Clydesdale's sound
Cobblestone sound
Hoof sound
Hoof sound
Amish country sound
Hoofbeat sound
Hoof sound
Hoofbeat sound
Sabot's sound
Clydesdale noise
Hoof sound
Hoofbeat sound
Hoofbeat sound
Bay sound
Bay sound
Hoofbeat sound
Hoof sound
Hoof sound
Sound made by hitting coconut halves together
Hoofbeat sound
Sound imitated by hitting coconut halves together
Trotting sound
Hoof beat
Dull sound
Amish country sound
Hoofbeat sound
Make like a horse's hoof
Bay sound
Hoof beat
Bay sound
Hoofbeat noise
Hoofbeat sound
Hoof sound
Sound of a hoofbeat on cobblestones
Hoof sound
Sound of a horse's hoof
Bay sound
Hoof-on-pavement sound
See 1-Down
Wooden shoe sound
Horse opera sound
Hoofbeat sound
Hoofbeat sound
Hoof sound
Hoof sound
Hoofbeat sound
Sabot's sound
Clydesdale noise
Hoof beat
Hoofbeat sound
Hoof sound
Hoofbeat sound
Draft horse's footfall
Clip-___ (sound of a horse's hooves)
Hoofbeat sound
Dull sound
Amish country sound
Make like a horse's hoof
Hoof-on-pavement sound
Hoofbeat noise
Hoofbeat sound
Clip-___ (hoofbeat sound)
Hoof-on-pavement sound
Bay sound
Hoof sound
Clip-___ (sound of a horse's hooves)