Word: CANE

The word CANE has appeared in at least 164 clues on different crosswords.

Mr. Monopoly carries one
Walking stick
Mr. Peanut prop
Stick for a walk
Mr. Peanut prop
Chaplin prop
Walking stick
Charlie Chaplin accessory
Candy configuration
Christmas candy shape
Striped candy shape
Walking stick
Mr. Monopoly's stick
Sugar source
Prop for Yoda
Candy ___ (minty Christmas treat)
One with a supporting role
Prop for Dr. House
Prop for Fred Astaire
Sugar source
Walking aid
Walking aid
Striped candy shape
Mr. Peanut prop
Charlie Chaplin prop
Yoda uses one to help him walk
Walking stick
Bamboo stalk
Striped candy shape
Walking aid
Accessory for Charlie Chaplin or Mr. Peanut
Walking stick
Walking support
Walking stick for TV's Dr. House
Prop for Astaire
Walking stick
Seat material
Walking aid
Walking aid
Handled stick used to assist with walking
Sugar source
Christmas candy shape
Prop for Chaplin
Walking stick to help with balance
Candy stick
Walking stick
Prop for Winston Churchill
Dance prop for Fred Astaire
Candy ____
Prop for Charlie Chaplin
Walking stick
Walking aid
Sugar source
Walking stick
Sugar source
Seasonal candy shape
Alternative to a walker
Walking stick
Stalklike plant grown for molasses, rum, and sugar
Candy __
Walking stick shaped like an upside-down J
Candy ___ (minty Christmas treat)
Candy stick
Christmas candy stick
Dancer's prop
Mr. Peanut prop
Sugar source
Prop for Mr. Monopoly
Walking stick
Cuban crop
Chaplin prop
Candy ____
Christmas candy shape
Walking aid
Candy shape
Candy ___ (red-and-white treat)
Bamboo, e.g.
Sugar source
Word with sugar or candy
Walking stick for TV's Dr. House
Prop for Chaplin
Andrew Jackson carried one with a sword in it
Willy Wonka uses one for walking
Sugar source
Christmas candy shape
Dancer's prop
Red-and-white Christmas candy shape
Candy __
Walking stick
Bamboo stalk
Stick used by Willy Wonka
Christmas tree hanging
Sugar stalk
Candy ___ (striped sweet)
Prop used by the Riddler
Prop for Mr. Peanut
Mr. Peanut carries one
Chaplin prop
Walking stick
Christmas candy shape
Candy shape
Walking stick
One with a supporting role
Christmas candy shape
Sugar ___
Sugar source
Walking stick
Stick for walking
Christmas candy shape
House prop
Walking stick
Walking stick
Candy ___ (hook-shaped treat)
Sugar source
Sugar source
Sugar source
Prop for Astaire
Andrew Jackson carried one with a sword in it
Sugar stalk
Walking aid
Walking aid
Hollow stem
Walking stick
Christmas candy shape
Prop for Chaplin
Candy stick
Support for a stroller
Walking stick
Walking aid
Christmas candy shape
Chaplin prop
Walking stick
Prop for Yoda
Walking aid
Candy stick
Candy ___ (curved peppermint stick)
Dancer's prop
Woven material
Jean Toomer novel
Sugar source
Cuban crop
Walking aid
Walking support
Sugar plant's stem
Willy Wonka prop
Candy shape
Word after "sugar" or "candy"
Christmas candy shape
Support staff?
Bamboo stem
Dancer's prop
Support staff?
Sugar stalk
Walking stick
Christmas candy shape
Walking stick