Word: BTW

The word BTW has appeared in at least 79 clues on different crosswords.

Texter's "Oh, and another thing ... "
Texter's ''incidentally''
"One more thing ... " in a text
Texter's segue
Texter's "Hey, just so you know..."
"I forgot to mention," online
"If I may digress ...," in texts
"Incidentally," in text shorthand
Texter's "Oh, and ..."
"Incidentally," in a text
"While I have you ...," in a text
"Incidentally," in a text
"Incidentally," in a text
Incidentally, in Netspeak
Afterthought introduction, when texting
Incidentally, in Netspeak
"Incidentally," in a text
"One more thing ...," in a text
Start of a texter's aside
“Incidentally,” online
"OMG I almost 4got..."
Incidentally, in texts
Texter's "One more thing ..."
"OMG I almost 4got..."
Texter's "Forgot to mention ... "
“Incidentally,” online
"OMG I almost 4got..."
"In case you didn't know ... " in a text
"Oh, also ...," in a text
Texter's "One more thing ... "
Incidentally, in Netspeak
Texter's "Forgot to mention ... "
"One more thing ... " in a text
Texter's "Oh, just remembered ..."
FYI cousin
"I should also mention ...," in texts
Texter's "just so you know"
Lead-in to a texter's afterthought
"Wanted to mention," for short
"And another thing," for short
Texter's segue
"In case you hadn't heard," in text shorthand
"Just so you know...," in a text
Texter's "And another thing ... "
Emailer's "In case you didn't know ... "
"As an aside," in a text
"Oh, and another thing ...," for short
"OMG I almost 4got..."
FYI cousin
"Oh! And also . . ." in texts
Incidentally, in Netspeak
Texter's segue
"Oh, and ..." in texts
"Wanted to mention," for short
Texter's "I meant to say ..."
"Another thing . . ." in a text
"Oh, also . . ." in texts
Texter's "Incidentally ..."
"And another thing ...," in texts
"Just one more thing . . ." in texts
Letters before a heads-up
"OMG I almost 4got..."
Start of a texter's digression
"I also wanted to add . . ." in texts
As an aside, in a text
"OMG I almost 4got..."
Incidentally, in online shorthand
"Oh, one more thing . . ." in a text
"Oh, and also …," in a text
Incidentally, in Netspeak
"OMG I almost 4got..."
Segue in a text
Texter's "Oh, additionally ..."
Incidentally, in Netspeak
"in case u haven't heard . . ."
"OMG I almost 4got..."
"Incidentally . . ." in texts
Texter's transition
"Incidentally . . ." in a text