Word: BIOS

The word BIOS has appeared in at least 82 clues on different crosswords.

Life stories, for short
Life stories
''All about them'' pieces
Career descriptions
Nonfiction books about famous people, for short
Some publicity pieces
Life stories
Some nonfiction books
Life stories
Brief histories
Career descriptions
Stories of people's lives, for short
Life stories
Book-jacket writings
Bits of writing often accompanied by headshots
Life stories
Life stories, for short
Playbill section, informally
Life stories, briefly
Life stories, for short
Life stories, briefly
Life stories, for short
Life stories
Profiles, for short
Jacket stories
Bookstore section
Some History channel fare
Career descriptions
Playbill sections
Life accounts, briefly
Life stories
Life stories
Life stories
Life stories
Nonfiction books about notable people, for short
Life stories
''Who's Who'' listings
Some profiles, briefly
Parts of Twitter profiles
Playbill listings
Life stories
Some nonfiction works, briefly
Blurbs that sum up people's lives, for short
Brief histories
Book jacket blurbs
Life stories
Life histories, briefly
Brief lives?
Who's Who entries
Sections of online dating profiles
Life stories
Life stories
Life stories, briefly
Life stories, briefly
Life stories, briefly
Bits on book jackets
"About the author" pieces, informally
Life stories
Life lines?
Life stories, for short
Life stories, briefly
Some nonfiction works, briefly
Life stories, briefly
"About Us" pieces
They often appear by thumbnails
Book jacket briefs
Bookstore section
Descriptions of peoples' lives, for short
Life accounts, briefly
Memoirs and profiles, informally
Life stories
Life stories
Life stories
Life stories
Some profiles, briefly
Life stories, briefly
Personal histories, for short
Life stories
Life stories, in brief
Brief histories