Word: AYE

The word AYE has appeared in at least 522 clues on different crosswords.

Naval response
Affirmative reply from Popeye
"All in favor" answer
"Affirmative!," asea
Vote in favor
How a sailor would respond to a captain's order
Assent of a sort
Yes, asea
Response to an admiral
A voice vote
Popeye's "Yes"
"Affirmative!," to Blackbeard
Popeye's affirmative
Affirmative vote
Agreement from an ensign
Pirate's assent
"Yes," to a sea captain
Pirate's "Precisely!"
''Pinafore'' assent
Popeye's "sure"
Pirate's "yes"
"All in favor, say ___"
How to say "yes" on Talk Like a Pirate Day
Scot's assent
Vote of support
Affirmative to a captain
Yeoman's assent
Nay undoer
Vote for
Pulver's OK
Floor support?
Sailor's "yes"
Belgium village
Village in Belgium
Naval agreement
Affirmative vote
Positive response
Reply of consent
OK, matey
Sailor's "yes"
Senate approval
Nay undoer
Word said in response to "All in favor?"
Sure, captain!
Yeoman's 'yes'
Yes vote
"Okay," on the briny
Positive response at sea
Sailor's affirmative reply
Sure, captain!
Pro vote
Formal vote of approval
Sailor's ''yes''
Captain's "yes"
Affirmative on deck
Affirmative vote similar to "yea"
Reply to a captain
Indeed, old-style
Word from the decks
Pirate's word of agreement
"Sure," at sea
Affirmative answer
"Yes, captain!"
"Yes, Captain!"
Affirmative vote
Supporter's shout
"Yes," in the Navy
Senate vote
Yes vote
Affirmative vote that's an anagram of "yea"
"Yes, captain!"
"Yes," to a sailor
Thumbs-up vote
Assent on deck
Word of support
Affirmative vote
Cry from a pro
Sailor's affirmative
Scot's assent
Pro vote
Affirmative vote
Yes, to Blackbeard
Nautical assent
Answer to one's mate
Yes, cap'n
Agreement from a sailor
Sailor's assent
Sailor's "yes"
Supporter's vote
Sailor's affirmative reply
Reply to a captain
Sailor's assent
"Affirmative!," at sea
Pulver's OK
"Yes," at sea
"I'm on board," on board
Yes, to a captain
Opposite of "nay," in Congressional voting
Type of vote
"Sure!," on the waves
Si, asea
Sailor's assent
14-Across' yes
"Sure!," to a sailor
Naval agreement
Sailor's assent
Yes, captain!
OK, matey
Pirate's "yes"
Sailor's affirmation
Nay undoer
Yes, cap'n
Senate vote
"Yes," on a navy ship
Vote to allow new member
Shipboard yes
Sailor's consent
Yes, to Hook
Voice vote response
Scot's assent
Opposite of "nay"
"Yes," on Talk Like a Pirate Day
"Yes, admiral!"
Agreement word
OK, to Ahab
Congressional approval
Reply to a captain
Si, to sailors
Vote of support
Shipboard assent
Synonym for "yes" that sounds like 47-Across
Sailor's affirmative
Affirmative vote
Mariner's yes
Pro vote
Sailor's affirmative reply
Pro vote
Word of support
Sailor's ''Yes!''
Word of support
Sailor's assent
Ocean "Okay!"
Sailor’s assent
"Yes," to an admiral
Shipboard assent
Vote that's similar to "yea"
Positive answer
Pro vote
"All in favor, say ___"
Sailor's "yes"
Aberdeen assent
"Sure, Captain!"
"Yes, captain!"
''OK, Captain!''
Affirmative vote
Bluto's assent
Nay undoer
Opposite of nay
"Yes, captain!"
Affirmative vote from a senator
"Yes," in the Navy
Positive vote
Word of support
Bluto's assent
Sure, matey!
Skipper's OK
Vote from a supporter
Sailor's assent
Scottish affirmative
Word of obedience
Reply to a captain
Sailor's affirmative
Captain's "yes"
Bluto's assent
One way to vote
"Sure," in Scotland
Sailor's yes
Sailor's affirmative
"Sure," to a pirate
Shipboard assent
OK, to Pulver
Oceangoing affirmative
Word a first mate uses to agree with the captain
Vote heard on the floor ... and at the end of 20-, 31-, 35- and 50-Across?
Supporter’s answer
Assent expresser
Senate vote
Mariner's yes
Popeye's agreement
Word used often on Talk Like a Pirate Day
Naval response
Sailor's assent
Sailor's response
Ensign's affirmative
Formal vote of approval
Nay's opposite
Positive vote
Skipper's OK
Vote in favor
Reply of consent
Pulver's OK
Thumbs-up vote
"Sure thing," in Scotland
Shipboard assent
Sailor's affirmative
Yes, to a captain
Vote that means the same as "yea"
Sailor's "Sure!"
"Yes," in the Coast Guard
Pirate's assent
Sailor's "yes"
"Sure!," at sea
Affirmative response
"Sure!," asea
Sailor's yes
"Yes," on Talk Like a Pirate Day
Popeye's yes
Mariner's yes
Word from a pro
Supporting vote
Senate vote
"All in favor, say ___"
Shipboard yes
"Yes," on Talk Like a Pirate Day
"Yes," to a sailor
Nautical assent
Affirmative vote
Supportive vote that sounds like a vowel
Popeye's OK
Yes, captain
Affirmative at sea
Word of support
"All in favor, say ___"
Nautical call
Swabbie's reply
Senate vote
Bluto's assent
"Yes," on the high seas
Affirmative vote
"For" vote
OK, matey
Shipboard yes
Blackbeard's affirmative
"Yes, admiral!"
Sailor's "yes"
Scot's assent
Legislative assent
Positive response to a ship's captain
Sailor's affirmative reply
Pirate's affirmative
Nautical affirmative
Affirmative at sea
Skipper's okay
Sailor's ''yes''
Vote of agreement
Word of support
Sure, captain!
"Sure!," on the waves
Sailor's assent
Mariner's yes
"Yes, Captain!"
"Yes," in the Navy
Sailor's affirmative
Si, at sea
Naval response
Assent from a sailor
Sailor's "yes"
Nautical assent
Vote in favor
"I'm for it!"
Yes, asea
Roll-call call
Word of support
Affirmative reply from Popeye
"All in favor, say ___"
"Yes, captain!"
Affirmative vote
"Affirmative!," asea
Sailor's "yes"
"Affirmative!," to Blackbeard
Supporting answer
"Yes sir, Cap'n!"
Supporting answer
Pirate's "Precisely!"
Popeye's "sure"
Scot's assent
"Yes," from a sailor
Vote for
Pulver's OK
Response to an order
Passing comment?
Sailor's assent
Naval agreement
Affirmative vote
Positive response
Vote that's similar to "yea"
OK, matey
Sure, captain!
Yes vote
Reply of consent
Sure, captain!
"Okay," on the briny
Agreement to an admiral
Sailor's affirmative reply
"Yes," on Talk Like a Pirate Day
Congressional approval
Bit of bridge obedience
Agreement in the Navy
Sailor's assent
"Sure," at sea
Senate vote
Yes vote
"I vote yes!"
Affirmative vote
Backer's word
"All in favor, say ___"
"Okay, skipper!"
Right at sea?
"Sure thing, skipper!"
Sailor's "yes"
Sailor's ''Yes''
Sailor's "yes"
Word of assent
Pro vote
Affirmative vote
Voice vote that's supportive
"Sure, Captain!"
Sailor's assent
Sailor's affirmative
Yes, cap'n
Scot's assent
Positive response to the captain
Nautical assent
Navy officer's "yes"
Word of support
Pulver's OK
Sailor's affirmative reply
"Yes, admiral!"
Pirate's "alrighty"
"Those in favor, say ___"
"Affirmative!," at sea
Vote from a supporter
"Sure!," on the waves
Opposite of "nay"
Naval agreement
Si, asea
Sailor's assent
Nautical "yes"
Bluto's assent
OK, matey
Assent of a sort
Bluto's assent
"Sure!," to a sailor
Sailor's affirmation
Formal assent
Yes, cap'n
Vote of support
Positive vote
Shipboard yes
Senate vote
Sailor's consent
Yes, to Hook
"Yes," at sea
Response to a captain
Yes vote
"All in favor, say ___"
OK, to Ahab
Nay's opposite
Show of support
Pro vote
"Yes, captain," for a ship's crew
Si, to sailors
Floor support
Mariner's yes
Shipboard assent
Pro vote
Congressional affirmative
Sailor's affirmative reply
Positive answer
Anagram and synonym of "yea"
Ocean "Okay!"
Pro vote
Shipboard assent
52-Across, on a ship
Yes in the Senate
Affirmative vote
"Yes, captain"
"You got it, matey"
"Yes, cap'n"
"Sure thing," in Scotland
Affirmative vote
"Yes," aboard a ship
Opposite of nay
Sure, matey!
Skipper's OK
Vote that sounds like 17-Down
Captain's "yes"
Scottish affirmative
Sailor's affirmative
"Sure," in Scotland
OK, to Pulver
Affirmative voteend
"Sure," to a pirate
Shipboard assent
What do the pros say?
Sailor's yes
Oceangoing affirmative
Senate vote
Mariner's yes
Naval response
Sailor's assent
Sailor's response
Popeye's agreement
Bluto's assent
"All in favor, say ___"
Nay's opposite
Congressional approval
Yes vote
Yes vote
Positive vote
Affirmative vote
Word in favor
Agreement aboard a ship
Skipper's OK
Affirmative vote
Word of support
Agreement between mates
"Yes," to a ship's first mate
Pulver's OK
Reply of consent
Agreement during a formal vote
Shipboard assent
Sailor's affirmative
Vote from a supporter
Sailor's "Sure!"
Pirate's assent
"Yes, captain!"
Supporting vote
"Yes," aboard a naval vessel
"Sure!," at sea
"Yes," from a seaman or petty officer in the Navy
Affirmative response
Sailor's yes
"Sure!," asea
Positive vote
Popeye's yes
Mariner's yes
Affirmative vote
Affirmative vote
"Yes, captain!"
"All in favor, say ___"
Shipboard yes
Senate vote
Belgium village
Affirmative vote
Popeye's OK
Yes, captain
Nautical assent
Word of support
Nautical call
Agreement from a ship's crew member
Affirmative at sea
Pro vote
Affirmative vote
"You got it, captain!"
OK, matey
"For" vote
Yes vote
Affirmative vote
OK, matey
Shipboard yes
Scot's assent
Vote that's similar to "yea"
Blackbeard's affirmative
Sailor's affirmative reply
Pirate's affirmative
Reply to a captain
Skipper's okay
Nautical affirmative
Affirmative at sea
Sure, captain!
"Yes, Admiral!"
Mariner's yes
Affirmative vote
Nautical consent
"Sure!," on the waves
Vote for
60-Across, to a sailor
Nautical "yes"
Naval response
"All in favor, say ___"
"All those in favor, say ___"
Scottish interjection
Popeye's assent
Si, at sea
"Yes," on Talk Like a Pirate Day
Vote in favor
Yes, asea
Nautical consent
Thumbs-up vote
Nautical assent
Vote from a supporter
Affirmative reply from Popeye
Affirmative response to a ship's captain
"Yes, Captain!"
"Affirmative!," asea
Positive vote
Vote that can cancel out a "nay"
Agreement from the first mate
"Affirmative!," to Blackbeard
"Okay," on the briny
Affirmative vote
Yes, captain
Affirmation on the high seas
Sailor's affirmative reply
"Yes," to a sailor